The party

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Hey guys! Hope you're iking the story so far. Tell me what you think!!! Enjoy!!!

Rose’s P.O.V

“I need something that says orgasmic without being too sluty.” I told Ashley as I rummaged through my closet, flinging clothes everywhere.

Caleb picked an item of my clothing and examined it. “With clothes like these you’d be lucky enough to be considered an a naughty school girl. Seriously, you need to go shopping.”

I scowled at him. “Okay, so I have no sex appeal! What isn’t new?” I said grumpily.

“Come on! We’ll take you to the mall.” Ashley insisted.

>>At the mall<<

“He’ll see how beautiful you look tonight, so stop freaking out!” Ashley encouraged as she zipped this silky, tight, purple dress on me. She gasped. “This is the one!” Honestly, after trying on a zillion dresses, she was beginning to say that all the time.

I turned around to see myself in the mirror. This time she was right. This dress was the one. “Do you think he’ll like?” I asked pleadingly.

“He’ll absolutely adore it!” She jumped excitedly.

“Guys! Are you almost done!?!” Caleb shouted impatiently.

“Yeah! We’ll be out in a minute, sweetheart.” Ashley said as she unzipped me. I was careful not to ruin the dress. I couldn’t wait to see Kaolin’s face when he spotted me tonight.

                     - - - - - *'* - - - - -    

Lights blared as the song “Who you are” by Jessie J played. Man, I love the way she sings! Ashley and I made our way up the stone path of Sammie Moore’s house. Caleb was following behind. I grew more nervous as we reached the porch. I knew that Heath was here with Kaolin, wandering around with all the “hot girls” from school. I couldn’t shake the feeling of insecurity as the door opened to reveal Sammie. She was a tall, skinny girl with rich, chocolate brown hair. She had high cheek bones and beautiful forest green eyes. She was wearing a black, mini-dress with heels. She smiled at us, red lipstick covered her thin lips. “Hey.” She said breathlessly. I’ve never really spoken to Sammie, but from what I’ve heard, she’s an angel.

“Hi.” I said in a soft voice.

She pushed aside to let Ashley and Caleb past, all the while keeping her eyes on me. “Wait.” She said when I tried to enter. “You’re Heath’s little sister, right?” She questioned with squinted eyes.

“Um, yeah.” I bit my lip, uncomfortably.

She giggled. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to hassle you…” She trailed off as she looked back in the house before closing the door. “But, um, I was wondering if I could ask you for a little favor?” Her eyes were pleading and I wondered how many people could deny her beauty.

“What exactly did you have in mind?” I raised an eyebrow. She smiled.

“You’re definitely related to Heath.” She joked, as she rubbed her arm shyly. “Well, I really like your brother and I was wondering if you could put in a good word for me?” She gave me a sorry look.

I frowned, feeling bad for her. “Of course, I could.” I smiled. She moved forward and hugged me.

“Thank you so much.” She whispered. “And if you need anything, I’ll help you.” She pulled back and smiled at me.

“Hey!” I said stopping her from turning.

“Yeah?” She beamed.

“Why don’t you come over tomorrow night?” I said, conjuring a plan.

She grinned. “Sounds great, Rose. Have fun tonight.” She said opening the door. I followed her in. Sammie Moore. My brother didn’t know how lucky he was.

I shook my head and tried to clear it from my brother as I searched for Caleb and Ashley. When I found them, they were grinding against the wall. I didn’t feel like disturbing them so I made my way to the kitchen to find some juice. When I walked in there were some seniors drinking beer. I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottled orange juice. “What was Sammie talking to you about?” I heard a familiar deep voice ask. I turned to find Kaolin.

I shut the fridge and tried to put on my best sexy face. “Nothing that concerns you.” I raised an eyebrow teasingly. He smiled.

“I’m serious.” He followed me out of the kitchen. “Why don’t we talk somewhere private?” He whispered in my ear. I felt myself shiver in response.

“Talk about what exactly?” I studied him.

He smirked. “You’ll see.” He said as he grabbed my hand and led me upstairs. On the way we passed by Ashley and Caleb. They both gave me a thumbs up before I was out of sight. Once we found an empty room Kaolin turned his attention on me. “Tell me what Sammie said to you.” He demanded.

I felt my heart pang with pain. “Why do you care so much?” I pressed, trying to keep my voice even.

“Because I’m trying to do a friend a favor.” He said nonchalantly.

“You mean my brother?” I asked interested.

He nodded. “How’d you guess?” He sounded intrigued.

“Because she likes him too. Not that there’s anything wrong with her, but why does my brother like her? He doesn’t like anyone.” I said interested.

Kaolin chuckled. “Give him some credit. He has a heart.” He teased. “But, if I tell you this, you can’t say anything.” He warned. I nodded. “Well, Sammie isn’t like most girls. She’s only dated one guy in this school that graduated two years ago.”

I leaned forward. “Josh, right?” I guessed. He nodded as I opened my orange juice and took a sip.

“So, she isn’t common or easy and she’s very likable. I mean, the girl is a complete sweetheart.” He added. “I’m trying to hook them up. That’s why I need you to tell me what she said.”

I smiled. “She likes him too. And I’m already two steps ahead of you, Skippy. She’s coming over tomorrow night.”

His eyebrows shot up surprised. “Good work.” He paused. “Why don’t we hook them up together?” He suggested.

“As in partners?” I asked curiously.

“Exactly.” He raised his hand and waited for me to take his. “What do you say? Partners?”

I sighed. If this gets me closer to him then I’ll take it. “Partners. I shook his hand.

Hi again! So i just wanted to know what you guys think of Sammie Moore because she's going to have more parts in this story xD

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