Chapter Nine

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I looked at myself in the mirror one more time. My stylist did great, I thought I looked great. I was also nervous as hell! Why not? I will see Serena later, at least from afar. I knew I almost can't celebrate my birthday on the show but my handler told me that as long as I stay away from her and we don't cross paths in the studio then we don't have a problem. That's how much they want us to be apart. 

It hurts me as hell but what can I do? I know she must be mad at me,too but I know deep inside my heart that she still loves me,too.

I sighed. I don't know how many times I sighed. Countless times. 

This is going to be hard. It would be hard for me not to even look at her.

The show started already, and my birthday celebration is queued after 2 more commercials.

I thanked my stylist and went out of the dressing room. 

As I head towards the studio, I can hear the music. 

I can hear the clapping from the audience.

I didn't know who was on.

I took a few steps into the studio when the voice of John Peters announced the next act.

"Ladies and gentlemen..give it up for Serena Gonzalez and Jeremy Carillo..."

Then I heard more clapping. I felt my chest tightened when I heard the announcement....I know Serena would be here because she belongs in the show,too. But I didn't know she has a number today with that...that bastard! Garreth thought, his hands formed into a ball, his face suddenly felt warmer than usual. He is jealous. Very much jealous. 

He took a step back not wanting to watch the performance. He took a few steps back, but then he hesitated. No matter how hard it is for him to watch her with her old love, he has to see her. No matter how painful it is for him. He turned back and with quicker steps, he was inside the studio- with a better view of the stage- where he finally see her, smiling holding hands with that asshole who was grinning at her, looking at her intently as if he owns her. 

It took Garrett a whole lot of self control not to put his hands around that guy's neck and grab Serena off the stage and punish her smiling lips. Didn't she know her smiling like that makes her more beautiful and that smile gave him a thousand ways of effect on him- what more with this jerk who knew he was her first love? He closed his eyes and mentally counted to ten before he opened it intently watching Serena's every move and Jeremy's move. 

They started talking to the audience and to each other.

"Hello everybody! It is nice to be here...." Serena said, her soothing and lively voice echoed as she looks at Jeremy who was smiling widely at her.

"Yes, but it is nicer coz you're here with me Serena..." Jeremy teased which earned him a gentle nudge from Serena and a giddy laughter and more clapping from the audience especially those who are supporters of their love team.

Garrett stepped a few more steps, furious at Jeremy's obvious flirting with her. I could really punch you in the face right now, asshole! Be thankful you are there in front of a lot of people..if not, your nose would've been broken by now! Garrett silently threatened him.

He knew his face was red, furious with jealousy. He thought he can watch them, but he can't. He wanted to see Serena, but if they continue like this, he might not be able to control himself anymore and just get there on the stage and punch Jeremy. He walked away, out of the studio and went back to the dressing room to wait for his queue. He will stay there til it's his turn to perform.

Serena only smiled with Jeremy's remark. If he said that a few years ago, when her heart was filled with attraction for him, her heart might have skipped. But not now, not anymore. She knew who her heart belongs. And when she suddenly remembers him- Garrett, she subconsciously looked for her and in the corner of her eye, she saw a man leaving the studio whose form looks very much like Garrett. 

She wanted to make sure if it was really him but she felt Jeremy's hand clasping hers again, hesitantly, she looked up at him and smiled, the introduction of the music came was their turn to sing.

Serena smiled and looked away from the direction where she thought she saw him, maybe it wasn't him after all. They were strictly instructed to avoid each other as much as possible. She knew he has his birthday celebration today, a little later. She wanted to greet him, but  her heart is still aching. She loves him but at the same time, she is so confused and hurt. And seeing him today might not be a smart idea at all.


Garrett managed to keep his composure and performed his dance number with two of his friends in showbiz. He was still sweating from all that dancing, and he was crowded around by his other co-performers, he was given a microphone and then they told him it was his turn to blow the candles on his cake, and he did- then it was his turn to thank everyone who greeted him on the VTR. One by one he thanked them, and then suddenly one of the hosts, Rayven called Morena who was carrying a gift with her. She handed it to him and gave him a quick kiss on his cheeks. Everybody teased them and he just smiled, and thanked her. Morena blushed as all of them try to squeeze them together after he was done thanking everyone and then it was queued for commercial. Then Rayven asked everyone for a group picture.

Morena felt awkward being this close to Garrett especially after what happened between them. She blushed as they were pushed together after Rayven teasingly asked them for a group picture, she felt Garrett hesitated at first but he didn't have much choice but do it. He forced a smile as their picture was taken.

Everyone congratulated him again and greeted him,too. They just announced he is to do an indie movie which he was obviously excited about, because it will help him forget about everything when he will be busy for shootings.

Serena wanted to walk away after watching Garrett perform, but knew deep inside she misses him and wanted to see him so she stayed. Only for her heart to be ripped apart when she saw them together-pushed together teasingly by their friends. Morena and him. She can easily see Morena look at him lovingly and blush. She knew that feeling. That was her feeling for him initially. An awkward but giddy feeling- when you started loving someone. And she knows for sure that Morena is falling for Garrett. She felt a tear fell on her cheeks. She brushed it off quickly not wanting for anyone to see it and walked away. 

This time she chose to walk away. She chose to walk away before her chest burst and she cries hard.

She ran towards her dressing room to hide. To hide from watching them. But she knew she can never hide from herself. She can never hide the pain from herself. For once she can release all the pretense. For once she can cry to her heart's content without anyone seeing it. She can only bare her true feelings when she is alone.

As soon as she closed the door, she lets go of the tears she controlled to flow once still in the studio. But now, she felt like screaming but no sound came out of her. She cried silently and moaned deep inside her. And her agony is louder in silence. Much much louder inside, the pain bigger,too.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2014 ⏰

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