Chapter Twenty Five

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Eren led me inside and I closed the door behind us. He sat on the couch and I sat down next to him. Eren grabbed a bunch of beer cans and threw them in the trash can in the living room which was already filled with beer cans and bottles.

"I'm sorry for the mess, I- I," Eren paused and looked around at all the empty glasses in just the living room. "I drank a lot," Eren looked at his feet and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I did bad things, too. Don't worry. I probably did worse things." Eren looked at me while throwing away some empty beer cans.

"What did you do?" I played with my fingers and avoided all eye contact. I didn't want him to know the things I did. I didn't even want to remember the things I did.

"I was a-" I choked on my words. It caused me pain to confess to him... I didn't want him to think bad of me. "I was a prostitute." Eren's eyes grew wide and he looked at me strongly.


"I wanted money to buy cigarettes," Eren looked at the burn marks on my arm.

"Is that why you have burn marks on your arms?" I nodded and looked down at my feet again. I really, really hated what I'd done that week. Everything that happened was awful.

"There's a video on YouTube," Eren looked over at the computer and then back at me.

"What do you mean? What video?" I rested my chin on my palm and looked up at Eren.

"A video of me getting beat up. Just search 'tranny-fag gets beat' and it should come up. I don't want to watch it." I headed over to our room, but Eren grabbed my arm and pulled me back down on the couch.

"Where are your cigarettes?"

"I threw them away. But I only threw them away because I want you to stop drinking. I feel sick because I smoked a lot the passed week." Eren eyed the room and saw all of the empty glasses that were once filled with either beer, wine, whiskey, liquor, or something else he could get his hands on that was alcoholic.

"I've been drinking for so long, I-I-I-" I had already found my way to the kitchen cabinets, where he kept all of his alcoholic beverages. I began putting all of his drinks in a bag.

"Where did you hide the whiskey?" I heard Eren sigh from the living room. He scavenged through one of his droors until he found a small key. He bent over and unlocked a medium-sized droor that had over five big bottles of whiskey. "Jesus, Eren. Were you planning on drinking all of this?" He nodded and scratched his neck.

"By the end of the month if you were still gone..."

"The end of the month is only a week and a half from now," Eren nodded his head and looked down. I put the bottles of whiskey into the same bag and dragged it to the front yard. It was really heavy, so Eren had to help me manoeuvre it.

"We're just throwing it away?"

"You need to stop drinking." I looked at Eren stern in the eyes and he gulped.

"I know," I helped Eren clean up the rest of the cans and bottles he left when I was gone and plopped down in the bed. I haven't slept in a bed in a week. Eren looked over at me sadly. My back was facing him but I couldn't sleep.

Eren was laying on his back yet I could tell that he was looking at me.

"You're not going to be the same, are you?" I jolted upright at the sound of his voice. It had startled me. I thought about Eren's question for a bit. I knew that he was right. I wasn't. He wasn't going to be the same, either. I'm not sure what he experienced, but I knew that I was pretty traumatised. He hasn't told me anything besides 'I've been drinking'.

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