Chapter Sixteen

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I awoke to a sleeping Eren and a pounding headache. I sat up and moaned in pain, but I quickly threw the covers back over me. I wasn't wearing any clothes, not even a binder or my underwear. I turned around and noticed that Eren was in the same state. I pinched Eren until he woke up

"Hey, what was that-" He groaned loudly and pressed both of his hands over his head. "My head hurts so bad!" I peered over to Eren's side of the bed and saw that all of our clothes were on that side.

"Can you hand me my binder? I'm not gonna lift myself from under the covers until it's on." Eren looked at himself and looked confused.

"Uh, yeah," he bent over and put my binder on my side of the bed. I brought it under the covers with me and quickly put it on. I lifted my head and brought the blanket to about my bellybutton. I still wasn't wearing anything but the binder. "So why are we both completely nude?" I shook my head.

"We were really drunk last night. Anything could have happened." and then a thought came to my head. "Damnit! Eren hand me the rest of my clothes!" Eren got the rest of my clothes from the ground and I put them on. I didn't bother putting on my shirt because my binder was kind of like a tank-top. It covered my whole torso.

I ran towards one of our droors and began frantically digging through it.

"What are you looking for?" I cursed multiple times in a row until I finally found it. I took the box into the bathroom and pulled a couple out. "Armin, is that a pregnancy test?" I locked the bathroom door and unwrapped a test.

I ran the test and on the little stick, two lines appeared. Positive.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," I unwrapped another and ran the test again, and again, two lines appeared. I did four more and all of them were positive. "No, no, no, no, no!" I unwrapped one last test and ran it again. The test was positive and I was sure now.

"Armin, are you okay? What are you doing?"

"Damnit! Fuck!" Eren knocked on the door several times, but I didn't answer him. I layed all seven pregnancy tests in a row and looked at all of them again just to make sure I wasn't imagining the second line. Tears ran down my face and I unlocked the door and stepped out. Eren was standing right outside the door and I could barely speak.

"What's wrong?" a few more tears escaped my eyes and I tried to recollect myself.

"Eren," Eren didn't break eye contact with me. Our eyes were locked tightly. "I think you got me pregnant." Eren stared at me for a couple more seconds and then brought his hands to his hair and started tugging slightly.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I brought him the tests and showed him all seven of them. "D-Did we?" I nodded.

"I think so. Why else would we wake up like... like that?" Eren breathed in and out very fast and consecutively.

"B-B-But you're on Testosterone! Don't your eggs die once you go on T?" I shook my head.

"They eventually do, but most of the time it takes a year for all of them to die. I'm only on my first month. I had 'that time of the month' last week," my voice broke at the end and I was having trouble talking without bursting out into tears.

"Fuck," Eren sunk against a wall and pushed his hair out of his face. "What the fuck did I do?" He hit his head several times. "Fucking remember, Eren," after a while, Eren sighed.

"I think Alex took us home last night," I stated. Eren nodded.

"That's right. He brought us home."

"Alex just texted me," Eren looked over at me.

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