Chapter Five

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"How was detention, Eren?" Eren rolled his eyes and scratched the back of his head.

"Nothing really differed from all the other detentions I've had." Mikasa nodded and tilted her head to the side. She reached into her backpack and grabbed out what looked like... was that bread?

"I stole some bread from the Shiganshina bakery. No one was there, and it was just sitting out. Please eat some. It will be the only dinner we eat tonight." Eren's eyes widened more as he held his hands around the bread.

"It's still warm!" Mikasa bobbed her head up and down. She ripped the baguette into an equal three pieces and gave each of us one.

The walk home was silent. All three of us ate the bread slowly to enjoy it for longer. I saved half of my portion in my coat pocket for later tonight. The park we had rested at was only three miles away from school, so the walks were not dreadful, and I actually enjoyed them. Once I saw a large field and lots of trees, the landmarks set in my mind told me that we were... was I to call it home?

"I'm gonna take a leak," Eren ran down to where the woods were. I felt a light hand rest on my shoulder.

"I need to talk to you," Mikasa rested her feet behind my stance and kept her face at the regular monotonous setting.

"Okay, what is it?" Mikasa motioned for me to sit at the bench with her, and as ordered, I obeyed.

"I've been realizing some changes with Eren ever since the first day of school," I nodded and kept my hands rested on my thighs. "He's not depressed all the time like he usually is and he isn't getting mad nearly as much."

"Why do you think he's had a behavioral change?" Mikasa looked around and finally found her eyes desired position.

"You." I swallowed and tried to get her to look me in the eyes, and she did, to my astonishment. "Eren likes you a lot. I can already tell. Be grateful for that, Eren doesn't like many people. The only person he gets along with well before you was me, and he still gets mad at me all the time." I honestly didn't have any idea what to say... thankfully, Eren came back just in time to cut me off. Thank the non-existent gods...

"I'm bored." Eren sat next to Mikasa and stretched his back out. "Hey! I know how to start a fire! Maybe we can roast some leaves just for the fun of it tonight!" Mikasa gave him a weird look.

"You're bored, so your great idea is to roast leaves?" Eren nodded his head and wore a big smile on his face.

"We don't have marshmallows, so I just thought we could make a fire because Armin is here and plus, Mikasa, I've never made a fire with you before," Mikasa shrugged while crossing her legs.

"I guess so. Just be careful not to burn yourself, you're not always so bright." Eren's eyes rolled up then back down.

"C'mon, guys, help me get some wood from the woods," Eren giggled. "Haha, wood from the woods."

"Someones in a good mood." Mikasa was a bit muffled from her scarf, but audible enough for Eren and I to understand her.

"I am."

The woods down there was filled with creeks, and the three of us spent most of our time just splashing each other in the water. Well, Eren and I did. Mikasa didn't want to get wet, but she did laugh at us. About an hour later, we had enough wood to make a big bonfire. We layed out stones so we had an outline, and afterword placed all the wood on top of each other. Eren put leaves in the center so the fire could ignite.

"Perfect. I'll light it now-"

"Wait. We should light it when it gets darker." Mikasa stopped him literally .5 seconds before the lighter hit the center.

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