Chapter Fifteen

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"Hello!" I waved to the camera and smiled at it. "I am currently one month on Testosterone and I'm already noticing some changes. The one that I notice the most is my hunger. I've been so hungry lately I don't even know how I eat so much. I can eat so much and I haven't gained any weight so I think my metabolism boosted a little bit, too. I've had a lot more energy, too, and it's common for red blood cells to produce faster when on T so that makes sense." I rambled on for a while until I finally turned off my camera and edited my video. I uploaded it to YouTube and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. I poured myself a couple bowls of cereal. I was really hungry even though I had had a full meal of dinner the night before.

"Happy birthday, Armin!" Eren sat down next to me and scratched the back of his neck and stretched out his back.

"Thanks," I ate a couple of spoons of cereal before either of us spoke again.

"What's up?"

"I just published a video on YouTube," Eren nodded.

"Cool," Eren grabbed the box of cereal on the table and held it upside-down over his mouth so it would spill in his mouth. "Well, I'm going to go get ready for work. I'll be back in ten minutes." I nodded and put my bowl and spoon in the dish washer. Eren came back in about thirty seconds.

"Okay let's go," Eren grabbed his coat and threw his shoes on.

"You're still wearing the same clothes. All you did was brush your hair," Eren giggled a bit.

"At least I look presentable." I rolled my eyes and put my coat and shoes on. We both went to the car. I got in the driver's side and stuck in the key. We drived for two minutes to Eremin's and locked our car door. Eren pulled out the key to our shop and unlocked the door. I turned on the lights, grabbed my apron that had my name on it, and Eren put on his. We looked kind of dorky with them on, but we figured we'd look more professional if we had them on. Eren began to brew some coffee and uncapped all of the extra ingredients. I cleaned the tables and mopped the floor a bit, and then Eren and I unlocked the front door and turned the "Open" sign on. It was probably going to be a pretty busy morning because it was a cold Monday morning.

The door opened, which also made the tiny bell ring. The person who walked threw the door was a very tall man and he looked very familiar.

Ah yes.

Mr. Braun waved at me.

"Oh, hi, Armin! I didn't know you lived in Southampton. It's good to see you. I haven't seen you since your last year at high school." I nodded at Mr. Braun and chatted with him for a little bit. "How have you been doing? You've got a wife yet? I see you have an engagement ring." I awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of my neck. Eren walked in the room.

"Is that Mr. Braun?" Eren stood next to me and studied Mr. Braun's face. "Yep, that's him."

"Oh, Eren. Hello." I saw Mr. Braun staring at Eren's engagement ring, which was very similar to mine, and he looked back at me. "So who's the lucky lady, Armin?" My face turned bright red and Eren scoffed.

"I am." Eren said and turned around to brew another thing of coffee. Mr. Braun's eyes widened and he looked kind of shocked.

"Oh, okay. You guys were best friends in high school, and I guess I did kind of sense a chemistry between you too." I grabbed a pen and sighed. My fair skin always did a real good job and showing off my blushes, and that did not come to my favor.

"Okay, what do you want?" Reiner skimmed the menu that was written on a blackboard next to him and made a decision.

"Can I just have a water?" I stood there for a second and mentally face-palmed. I set down my pen and grabbed him a clear cup and filled it up with water and ice. I handed it to him and he sat down at one of the tables. Eren went out to where Mr. Braun was sitting and stood in front of him.

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