Chapter 4

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A couple days later Riker got home late one night from Savannah's. He expected everyone to be asleep so he was surprised to see a light still on in the house. He went inside and to the living room and found a tired looking Rydel holding a crying Ross. 

"What's wrong with?" Riker asked, coming over.

"He's overtired and doesn't want to sleep." Rydel said, tiredly. "I've been doing this for the past three hours."

"I'll take him Dels you go on up to bed." Riker said. Rydel handed Ross to Riker, and kissed both their cheeks before heading up to bed. Riker turned his attention to Ross. "Come on Rossy it's time to go to sleep."

Ross yawned, "No, no."

"Baby, you gotta sleep." Riker cooed. Ross shook his head. Riker sighed. He fixed up a bottle and carried Ross upstairs. He sat in the rocking chair and started rocking Ross. He held the bottle near Ross' mouth. Ross started drinking the bottle and Riker started singing as they rocked. Ross' eyes started to drift closed. After ten minutes Ross finally fell asleep. Riker laid him down in his crib and went to sleep himself.

The next morning Ross was cranky due to his lack of sleep. It took everybody working together just to feed him breakfast, which Ross got all over himself. Riker sighed and carried him upstairs to get a bath. He undressed him and put him in the tub. "Do you want bubbles baby?"

"Bubbles!" Ross squealed happily.  Riker chuckled and put some bubbled in the tub. Ross giggled and started splashing as Riker washed his hair. 

"Careful, baby, don't splash out of the tub." Riker said. Ross nodded, but kept splashing. Riker carefully rinsed Ross' hair and felt some of the water get on him. "Ross..." he said, warningly. Ross giggled and splashed Riker right in the face.

"Ross Shor Lynch, we don't splash people!" Riker said, wiping the water off his face and glasses. Ross giggled and splashed Riker again, soaking him. "Okay bath time's done." Riker said, picking up Ross quickly and toweling him off.

Ross frowned, "Want baf!" he said, and hit Riker's chest.

"Ross did you just hit me?" Riker asked, partially shocked, partially annoyed. Ross just glared at him. Riker sighed, "You know I'm going to have to punish you now right?" Ross shook his head and wiggled trying to get out of Riker's arms. "Ross, this is going to happen. We don't hit and you know that." Riker said, sternly. 

Ross sniffled. "I sorry."

Riker sighed, "I know you are baby, but I still have to punish you. That's the way it works." 

Ross sniffled and nodded.

"Ross, I'm not going to spank you this time, because you said you were sorry, but if I find out that you hurt anyone else today, when I get back from my meeting or that you were in any way shape or form naughty then you will get a spanking. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Ross sniffled. 

Riker got him dressed and put him in the corner. "You are to stand there for ten minutes." Ross nodded sadly and turned to face the corner. Riker went and got Ross' bottle for nap time and asked the others to turn down the music so he could get Ross to take his nap before going back upstairs. "You can come out of the corner now, baby." he said. Ross walked over to Riker and held his arms out wanting to be picked up. Riker picked him up and hugged him. "I love you."

"Wuv you too." Ross said, snuggling into Riker's neck.

"I've got your nap time baba." Riker said, softly. Ross moved and opened his mouth for the bottle. Riker carried him to the rocking chair and started rocking him as he gave him his bottle. Ross' eyes started to drift closed. He yawned around the bottle, then kept drinking. He snuggled into Riker and quickly fell asleep. Riker laid him down and then went downstairs.

"He's asleep already?" Rocky asked shocked. 

"Well he went to sleep so late last night it's really no surprise." Rydel said. 

"We should get the house clean before he wakes up. Since you know who is coming over." Riker said. They all nodded and everyone started cleaning.

Thoughts on who "you know who" is? Thoughts on the chapter? Be sure to comment!!!

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