Epilogue Part 2: A New Beginning

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The steady beeping of a heart monitor reached my ears, and it confused me. Why was I hearing a heart monitor right now? Where was I? Why did I hurt all over...and why was there a fucking oxygen mask over my mouth?

I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't, and I wasn't sure why. I tried to move my hands, my foot, my nose, anything. But I couldn't. This was scaring me. What the hell was going on?

"Well, he's been out for two weeks...there hasn't been any change in his vitals...we aren't sure where to go from here."

"I she going to wake up, do you think?" said a familiar voice, but at the moment, I couldn't place it. It sounded like a guy, though.

"He could...but I would think that if it were to happen, it would have by now. We just have to wait and see what his mother has to say."

Now a bit of something was coming back to me. My mother...Anne, yes. That was my mothers name. And I...I was Harry. Harry Styles.

"Hazza...please wake up...I need you." said the familiar voice. Who was that...wait. I had a boyfriend. L...L...Louis. Yes, that was it. This was Louis. Louis was my boyfriend. But wait...my boyfriend was dead.He died. Did that mean I was dead too? How did I die?

I had too many questions swirling around in my head. I had to be dead. Louis was dead. I had held him and watched him die in my arms. So if I was dead, why did it hurt so much? Why were those other voice stalking about me waking up?

I scrunched my eyes shut, and then slowly blinked. Wait...I was moving! I blinked a few more times and a room came into sight, slightly blurry. I tried to breathe in and started choking on something in my throat. The steady beeping was getting faster and I heard a loud commotion. Suddenly I was surrounded by people, and, thank god, they got the mask off of me and the tube out of my throat. I gasped for air, my eyes wide open and my hand clutching at my chest. My other arm felt heavy, but I wasn't completely oriented yet, so I didn't really know what was happening. I had barely caught my breath before the air was crushed out of me by someone with very soft hair.

"Harry...oh god, Hazza, you're awake...holy shit, I thought I lost you..."

"Wh-what's going on? Am I dead?" I asked shakily, my voice barely coming out.

"No, no, you're alive...god damn it, Harry I..." Louis was clutching onto me like his life depended on it, his whole body shaking with sobs. I wanted to hug him back, but now that I was awake, everything, including the pain, was starting to get to me.

"Lou...Lou, it hurts..." I rasped, and he let me go, wiping his eyes quickly.

"Sorry...I just...you're here..."

"This can't be real. This is a dream, right?"

"What? No, this is real! Why would you think it was a dream?" Louis asked,his eyebrows creasing in confusion. His eyes...those beautiful blue eyes that I had missed so much.

"You...you're dead. You died of cancer years ago...I'm married...I have kids..." I stuttered out. That was all real. This...this was just a cruel dream.

"Harry, what the fuck are you talking about? I'm cured, remember? No cancer...I'm your boyfriend, and you can't possibly be married. You're only 17 years old! Where are you getting this from?"

I sat there, looking at Louis. He looked so real, and I wanted him to be real with all of my heart, but it just wasn't possible. "I...I lived it. You died in my arms, and I...I managed to move on. I married a good guy, but he was nothing compared to you. But that's what you wanted for me, so I did it. And I had kids...Lucas and Darcy...and I took them to your grave and we...we talked..."

Louis looked completely confused, and now I was confused. The Louis in my dreams always knew what I was talking about. So why was this one different?

"Hazza...you've been in a coma for two weeks...you dreamed all of that. No one is dead. I'm still here. You're still here. We are still together...please, you have to believe me. Please."

"So...so all of that...it was all fake? It was all a dream?" I asked, still not really believing it. Louis nodded and gripped my hand tightly.

"Lou...check my chest. Are there tattoos on it?" Louis was actually looking concerned for me now, but he moved the blankets and looked.

"No...your chest is completely fine...well, apart from the broken ribs and collapsed lung..."

I looked down at my body for the first time and felt quite sick. My leg was in a thick cast, as was one of my arms. My head was wrapped up with too much gauze to comprehend and my entire lower torso was wrapped as well.

"Wh-what happened?" I inquired, looking up at Louis. I still wasn't completely convinced, but Louis' story was making a bit of sense.What was the last thing I remembered before all of that?

"You were in a car accident...a really bad one. You were driving home after dropping me off and you just...you got hit, and your car was totaled...you were trapped inside. They couldn't wake you up...you trust me, right? You know I would never lie to you about this...you're alive. I'm alive. Everything is OK."

I took a deep breath. This was starting to make a lot of sense, but I needed more proof.

The door burst open and my mum, Niall, and Liam came sprinting into the room. They all looked scared but intensely relieved, not to mention exhausted.

"Harry,you're awake!" Niall cried, and in that moment, I just knew. I knew that this was real. All the things that had happened, all the heartbreak and pain that I had gone through...it was all just a dream. I started crying in relief. Niall and Liam both hugged me, keeping it gentle, and then there was my mum. She brushed tears away from her eyes and kissed my forehead, silently praying. Louis pulled me into a half sitting position, being careful not to hurt me, and hugged me to his chest. I buried my face in his sweater, crying harder than ever.

"I love you I love you I love you," I mumbled into his chest, gripping him as though my life depended on it. Because, in fact, it did. I had my Louis. My little Louis was alive. And that was all that mattered to me.

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