Chapter 2: I Missed You

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As we headed back in the direction of my house, I suddenly remembered that Louis had driven here.

"Lou, what about your car?" I asked, but he just shook his head, his smile still intact.

"I don't care at the moment. I want to be with you," He answered, and I blushed. I actually blushed. Having him back was still sinking into my brain, I guess. Out of reflex, I slipped my hand into his and laced our fingers together. Louis bit his lip shyly, but didn't let go of my hand. It felt like the old days...shit, I was becoming nostalgic. I cleared my throat and faced forward again, seeing the lights at the end of my street.

Neither Louis nor I said another word as we walked up my street. I personally couldn't think of anything to say other than exclamations of his return back to my life, and I didn't want to annoy him. But it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a comfortable one, and I couldn't help thinking that this year might not be so bad after all. Louis kept looking up at me with those bright blue eyes, sometimes brushing his fringe out of his eyes casually, and I marveled at our height difference. When he had left for America, we had been the same height, he may have been a little bit taller than me, actually. But now, I basically towered a good four inches over him. Not that I minded. He was still my cute little Lou, and I wouldn't want him any other way.

We reached my driveway and walked up to the front door, but I didn't move to open it. I just looked down at Louis and squeezed his hand. I didn't want to let go for fear that this would all be a dream. Louis seemed to know what I was thinking, because he tightened his grip on my hand as well and leaned in towards me.

"This isn't a dream, Haz. I'm right here. I'm real, I'm back, and I'm never leaving again." He whispered these words into my ear, and I shivered as his breath ghosted over my neck. He chuckled and added, "Umm...Hazza? Are we gonna go in? It's kinda nippy out..."

"What...oh, oh right. Yeah, sorry," I said, coming out of my thoughts. I opened the door and let us both in and out of the chilly wind. I let go of Louis' hand to take off my sweatshirt and hung it by the door.

"Mum?" I called as I took Louis hand again, having him follow me down the hallway.

"In the den, love," she called back, and Louis smiled yet again. Guess he was glad to be back here.

"Umm, Mum, I brought a friend home, if that's OK..." I said as we entered the den together.

"Yes, of course, who is it?" her voice sounded from a chair, and she turned to look at me. Her eyes landed on Louis and her mouth fell open. Her eyes were practically popping out of her head and she turned to me, her eyes asking a thousand questions, the most prominent one being 'is this real?' I just nodded, tears brimming in my eyes once again. Why was I such a fucking sap?

"Good evening, Anne, I'm sorry if I'm...umph!" He didn't get a chance to finish because my mum was up out of her chair and running towards us, hugging the life out of him.

"Louis...oh, baby, we thought...oh, thank the are you?" She asked, her voice sounding thick with tears.

"Good to see you too...m'fine...missed you both..." Louis gasped out, and my mum let him go, wiping away happy tears. Louis' eyes looked a little wet themselves, but he didn't stop smiling the entire time. His hand slid back into mine comfortably, like it had always been there, like he had never left, like we were still 13. It was finally hitting me. My Louis was home...just like he promised.

"Louis...oh, honey, we missed you so much. Harry never forgot about you, you know. Always celebrated your birthday and...and everything."

"Mum..." I mumbled, blushing in embarrassment. Louis looked surprised, but it was a good surprised.

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