Chapter 15: I'll Never Leave You

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Everything happened so fast, I barely had time to process. I tried to slam on the breaks, but slid on the ice, and the other car was coming too fast. I heard a squeal of locking breaks and then my whole body jolted sideways and then forward as the other car hit mine and mine went sliding right into the light pole. I must have blacked out for a second, but I was aware of glass all in my hair and a sticky substance on my face...blood. I tried to sit up, but pain seared through my whole body and I dropped back into the hunched position I had been in. The radio was still working, and the beginning of See You Again was playing softly. I had to call someone...I pulled my phone painfully out of my pocket and dialed the first number on there.

"Hazza, you can't be missing me that much already," rang a cheery yet tired voice from the other end. My breathing was ragged, but I had to tell him.

"L-Lou..."I choked out, coughing in a very uncomfortable way.

"Harry...what's wrong? Are you OK?"

" me..." I mumbled. The vision around the sides of my eyes was fading.

"What are you talking about...Hazza, answer me...hello?" Louis' voice sounded through the speaker of my phone, but I didn't have the energy to respond. The last thing I remembered was the distant sounds of sirens and the chorus of mine and Louis' song.

What woke me wasn't the bright lights hanging above me. It wasn't the beeping of a few machines. It wasn't even the commotion coming from the hallway that could be heard through a closed door. It was a hacking cough and a lot of unnecessary pain. I winced at every movement and forced my eyes open, looking around me. White walls, curtains, the whole get up. I was in the hospital. But for what...I wasn't completely sure on that one. Slowly observing my surroundings,so as not to hurt myself further, I noticed that I was hooked up to about five different monitors and other machines, and my entire torso was wrapped up. I lifted a hand carefully and felt a bandage across my forehead. OK, so the damage wasn't as bad as I had originally thought...good.

I turned my attention instead to the voices outside my room, which were getting only louder with the passing time, or maybe that was just me coming out of my drugged state. Either way, I knew one of the voices quite well.

"You have to let me in there! I don't give a fuck if I'm not family, he's my boyfriend and I need to know if he's alright!"

"Sir, you can't go in right now. Mr. Styles is still resting..."

"Didn't you hear me? I need in there right now!"

 I winced as I heard the pain and desperation in his voice, and all I wanted to do was call out to him, but my voice wouldn't be nearly loud enough for him to hear me. Then another familiar voice joined Louis'.

"My son is in there and I don't know how he is or if he's going to live. You will let me and Louis in there this instant." I almost smiled at that. My mum being bossy and sassy was my favorite thing. I could hear several other voices, but it was just too many things to process all at once, and I lay my head back on the pillow, clenching my eyes shut. There was a sudden silence, and I wondered if I had passed out again, but I could still see the room when I cracked an eye open.

The door opened and I heard footsteps, and the curtain blocking my bed from the door was ripped aside. My mum and Louis stood there, both looking frantic and scared as hell. When they saw that my eyes were open, Louis burst into tears and my mum sighed with relief. She pulled Louis into her arms and let him cry it out, mouthing words to me over his shoulder. I got about half of what she said, something about Louis calling, a car accident, and everyone in the waiting room. I sighed and closed my eyes again, wanting my head to stop aching.

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