Epilogue Part 1: A New Life

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Dear Louis,

Damn it, Lou, I miss you so much. I just want to hug and kiss you and just...I want you here. What you said...about moving on...I'm going to try, for you. But I doubt that I will ever be able to get to that point.

Dear Louis,

Well, I graduated.Top of the class too. You would have been so proud. Going to Uni in the fall, gonna study to be an English teacher. Got a job at the local bakery, cause you always loved my pastries. Thought maybe I'd try out my skills.

Dear Louis,

Starting Uni without you is weird...I feel lonely and out of place here. Maybe I'll just leave and be a baker...I seem to be doing alright at that.

Dear Louis,

It's been two years since I last wrote to you. I just...didn't have anything good to say. But...I met a guy. His name is Jeremy, and he...he is wonderful. He treats me right, like you would have. He's really attractive and understands me. No one will compare to you, though. But I just hope that maybe we can be something, me and Jeremy.

Dear Louis,

Jeremy asked me out on a date. I said yes.

Dear Louis,

Jeremy and I are dating. I haven't worked up the nerve to kiss him yet. I just can't, because I keep thinking of you.

Dear Louis,

I had to tell Jeremy about you...us. He understands. He says he won't push me to do anything till I'm ready. Did you send him to save me, because I'm pretty sure you did.

Dear Louis,

Jeremy proposed. I said yes. He makes me so happy, Lou. I never thought...after you, I mean...but here we are. Thank you...this was your doing, I know it. I love you so much.

Dear Louis,

Jeremy and I want to have kids. Your sister offered to be surrogate. Your family has been so supportive of me, I can't thank you enough.

Dear Louis,

Our son was born today. Lucas Jeremy Styles. He has the Tomlinson eyes...makes me miss you so much. I know you always wanted a son named Lucas, and Jeremy agreed. He thinks of you as part of the family...like a third dad to our son. He's wonderful.

Dear Louis,

We are trying for another kid...my sister as surrogate this time. Lucas is growing up so fast already, he looks so much like you.

Dear Louis,

Darcy Anne Styles was born today. She's got my hair. I know how much you loved my curls, so I hope you can see us, wherever you are.

Dear Louis,

Our kids are now seven and three. So beautiful. Jeremy has seen a picture of you by now, he says Lucas has his daddy's good looks. I'm getting on in years...I only wish you were here to spend them with me. I still have the bracelet on, you know. It hasn't broken yet. This is going to be my last letter. For good this time. The time has come. I will miss you more every single day. I love you, Boo.

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