Chapter 16

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Delilah's POV

When I was walking out to the parking lot to meet Sam like usual for our afternoon studying I almost stopped in my tracks and froze to see what I was looking at. I didn't know if what I was looking at was correct so I told myself that I had to tell myself to keep walking. As I got closer, it in fact was true and I was actually looking at Sam sitting on the hood of his car waiting for me instead of sitting inside of it like usual. I hated when he waited inside the car for me because I thought it was to avoid people seeing us but soon enough I got used to it and I didn't care as much. I walked up to him and gave him a confused look. He ignored it and asked "Hey, you ready to go?"

"Yeah." I said casually. Still not letting this thing go I asked him while getting into the car "Why were you sitting outside your car today instead of inside like usual?"

He gave it a minute to think about his answer and then he said "You didn't care who saw us together. Well neither do I."

I liked his answer and gave him a warm smile. It seemed like something was on his mind now though, but I didn't want to question it so I let it be. I didn't hate Sam anymore, but instead I was actually beginning to think he was a human being with a heart and actually cared for something. I wouldn't say we were friends yet, but we can talk and have normal conversations, I guess we were acquaintances you could say. The car ride was silent again so whatever Sam was thinking about earlier he asked about which I knew he would soon enough. So he asked me "Why do you question everything and are so stubborn?"

Instantly I thought of my conversation with Ryan yesterday. He asked me the same thing which I thought was kind of weird but I guess that's what people see in my personality or that's the obvious but instead of answering Sam I just asked him "What do you mean?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said "I don't know. Well you just asked me why I waited outside my car for you and you are really stubborn when I want you to tell me something. I just wanted to know why you can't let anyone do or say something without you questioning it.

I didn't really know what to say so I shook my head and said "I don't know I guess I have a hard time trusting people."

We got to the library just in time so we could end this conversation and I was relieved. We got out of the car and into the library and headed to our normal table and got to work right away.

Sam's POV

Today I decided to sit outside of my car today and wait for Delilah instead of waiting inside. When she told me yesterday that she didn't like it when I was hiding her from other people I felt bad. I thought sitting in my car was offensive to her and I wanted to show her that I care about her feelings so I thought this was a nice enough gesture of me to do this. Well at least it was a start. Plus it was Friday and when that clock hits three everyone tries to get out of here the fastest they can so not many people were in the parking area anyway.

When I saw her coming she looked surprise and confused. When she got up to me I greeted her and was ready to head to the library. Of course I hated to do school work outside of school and especially on a Friday but I guess if that was the only way to spend time with Delilah I could do it. I liked her, I don't think she likes me yet but we are getting around there. I wanted to show her that I'm not like every other quote on quote popular guy and I wanted to prove that to her and that was my main goal, besides the list I made the other day with the four other goals I needed to accomplish which I am half way done by the way.

When getting into the car she still was giving me a weird look and she finally asked why I waited outside the car for her this time. I first thought of my answer because I know how skeptical she is and if I say something and she takes it the wrong way she'll me mad at me again. I ended up telling her the truth that if she didn't care what other people think then neither did I. I think that answer satisfied her but now I was forming a question of my own. The car ride was filled with silence for the next couple of minutes so I decided what the heck I might as well say it. So I asked her why she was so stubborn. I think she was taken back a bit and confused again so I continued giving her examples like why she asked about me waiting outside, or whenever I try to get her to tell me something. I guess she didn't have an answer to my question or maybe she just didn't want to answer but we got to the library and I knew she was glad so we could stop talking about it. But this conversation wasn't over, just for now.

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