Chapter 2

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Delilah's POV

When it comes to the weekends I like my sleep. I woke up with the sun slipping past my window shades and hitting my face. I looked at my alarm clock sitting on my dresser and it was noon. After a couple of minutes laying in bed I grouchily got my lazy butt up and walked to where my phone was charging in my room. I opened up the one text message I received from the unknown number it said "Hey babe ;)"

I was just thinking in my head ugh what dose this stranger want from me I am obviously not a people person so they really need to leave me alone. I wanted to text these exact words to whoever this was but I decided just to say "Don't call me babe, who are you, and why are you talking me?"

In minutes I got a text message back saying "Jeez Lila calm it down; one question at a time please."

Wow this person really knows how to irritate me first thing as I get up in the morning. I coldly typed back "Don't call me Lila either and fine one question at a time. Question one: How do you know me? Oh and no lying."

I know I have a million other questions to ask but I think this one was bugging me the most. The way this person answers it will tell me if they are a creeper or stalker or not.

A couple minutes later I got a reply back and I hesitantly opened the message and read it. It simply stated "We live near each other."

Well that only helped a little bit because I knew the person lived in the same area as me because the phone number had the same first three numbers as mine. I just moved on to my next question "How old are you?"

The next message I got read "What is this twenty questions?"

In all seriousness I wrote back "Yes."

"I'm 17." The unknown person said in a reply.

Even though this person was the same age as me I still didn't fully trust them. They knew my name when I didn't even say it to them so they could just be lying to me even though I said not to. Saying his age though was the same as mine did alleviate some of my worry. My next question was "What is your name?"

For some reason I sensed a lack of confidence in his answer though it said "Oh um my name is....Ryan."

Right before I was going to text back I got a text from Bridgette. It strictly said "Be ready in five!"

This is something typical of Bridgette she didn't really like to text so she would say only what she needed to, no extra information and over time I just learned to respect that. I was still in my pajamas with my messy bed hair and morning breathe and at that moment I totally forgot about texting Ryan. I knew she was really strict with her timing and hate to be late to anything so I knew I only had exactly five minutes to get ready. I put on a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt. I brushed my teeth and my hair I got five bucks and walked out the door. I found my house empty before I left so I just walked out and hopped in Bridgette's car which was sitting in front of my house.

I questioned her "So chick where are we going?"

"Well you made me watch such a bad movie yesterday so I decided we'd go to the movies to watch something good today." she said cheerfully

I was okay with this it wasn't like I was doing anything today anyway so I gave her a smirk and told her "Okay well I only brought a five so your paying for my ticket."

She just gave me that "whatever" expression and we started to drive off. I checked my phone for messages and I got one from Ryan saying " still there?"

I replied to the text by saying "Nah actually I have to go. Text me later. Bye."

I didn't want to be annoyed by him anymore anyways there is only some much of some people that you can take and I had it up to my boiling point with him. Bridgette must have saw me fiddling with my phone and questioned me about who I was talking to. I told her all about yesterday and the conversation with Ryan and she just stared at me with disbelief. She was practically screaming "WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING HE COULD BE SOME PERV AND YOUR GOING TO KEEP TALKING TO HIM!"

I knew she would be mad at me but what could I say I could make a new friend for all I know so I just shrugged my shoulders and kept looking at my phone. Bridgette just kept shaking her head and after awhile she just said "Okay well when you get kidnapped or raped don't say I didn't warn you."

I told her I would be fine but I didn't look at her the rest of the car ride. Ryan had sent me a text. I opened it and it said "Bye Li's ;)"

Wow amazing he just gave me another nickname on top of the already girlish nickname he already gave me. Of course I had to text back because if I didn't I know it would indicate that I would be okay with him giving me nicknames so he probably did this on purpose. So I sent "Really?.... a nickname for my nickname?"

He quickly wrote "Of course babe."

"Don't call me babe." I said still not letting down my guard

"Sorry bye." Ryan responded and I was finished with that conversation for now. by the time I ended the conversation with Ryan, Bridgette and I got to the movies.

We were sitting in the movie theater but I wasn't really even paying attention to it. I didn't even know what it was about. I was wondering about Ryan. I didn't know if this was still a whole lie or not. I was trying to think of any of the guys in school named Ryan but there were too many too count, it was such a common name and I went to a big public school trying to figure out who this guy might be is hopeless. For some reason though I just couldn't stop thinking about him which I thought was really strange I have only talked to this kid for two days, I need to calm down. So after having this internal conflict I tried to focus on the movie.

Eventually the movie ended and when we were in the car riding home Bridgette couldn't stop talking about the movie that I barley even watched. I kept nodding and agreeing to everything she said and soon enough she caught on that I wasn't listening to a word that she was saying and got mad at me. She held out her hand towards me and told me "Give me your phone!"

I looked at her in bewilderment and shook my head furiously. I know she wouldn't take no for an answer so at a red light she pounced on top of me and took my phone. I screamed at her but she was memorizing something I could tell by the way she was looking at my phone. She threw my phone back at me and I asked what she was looking at. She didn't answer me and she took out her phone and started typing something. I asked her again what she was doing in a louder more forceful voice. She boldly responded "I messaged Ryan."


-So is Bridgette getting involved in this as well? I guess you'll have to read more to find out. I have a vacation from school for a couple days so hopefully I'll be able to write another chapter this weekend but I do have a lot of homework sad face :(

~Alyssa <3 :)

-P.S. Fun Fact: My favorite flower/plant thingy is actually a Delilah but I had to question their existence first and I do really like that name!

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