Chapter 14

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Delilah's POV

"Ugh here we go again." I tell Bridgette as we are walking through the school hallway to the parking lot where I am meeting Sam again to go to the library for our study session. "I wonder how bad this one will turn out.  I bet you it will probably end up me storming out of the building and finding myself walking home again." 

"He did find you though, and gave you a ride home." she pointed out

"Okay, well that's not the point here. All I'm saying is why does he want me to help him so much like I couldn't possibly mean much to him, I've only been talking to him for a couple of days." I asked her

I already updated  her in lunch about the whole note situation that happened between Sam and I during math class today.

"Well maybe he is trying to change or something I don't know. But I don't understand why your so angry about this. Any girl would love to spend time with Sam Ryans, including me, I'm even starting to get jealous because your taking this opportunity for granite and it's starting to anger me because I can gladly take your spot, I'm good at math too you know." she told me trying to change my mind about this whole thing

I responded "Yeah well when he is done with me he is just going to toss me aside like garbage, like I never even existed, like I was nothing. But I'm getting the impression he wants to get something more out of this than math. It is probably because he knows that I hate him and he is just this conceited person who has the idea that everyone likes him and when he came across a person like me he just needs to find out why I despise him so much so he can change my mind about him and he can find new ways to charm a girl even if they have a personality like mine."

"Jeez you think too much." is what Bridgette said "You just need a positive outlook on this"

"Does this look like a person who wants to have a positive outlook on this?" I asked and shot her a blank emotionless look on my face

"No but you just need to change that." she answered and took the corners of my lips and pushed them up, trying to make a bad attempt of a smile

"Whatever, I got to go he is waiting for me." I said

"Oh have fun Mrs. Positive." I heard her say as I was walking away from her and closer to Sam's car

I turned around making a face at her and then kept on walking. Sam's car was around the same place it was yesterday in the parking lot so it was easy to find. Like yesterday, he was sitting in his car which somewhat angered me, but I kept thinking of Bridgette Be positive, think positive." I said in my mind

I searched my surroundings to see if anyone was watching me while I was getting in the car. Fortunately. nobody was looking so I quickly hopped into the car and sat in to the seat. He greeted me with a smile that almost looked genuine and I grabbed a hold of my seat belt buckling myself in.

"Safety first" I said aloud not paying attention

I heard Sam chuckle a bit and I just rolled my eyes. Then there was silence in the car, like usual. Soon enough, we got to the library and took our seats at a table.

We started doing math homework right away because we had double the amount to do today because Sam's tardiness to math class all week. After about a half hour once Sam finally understood how to do the math work I let him do that stuff on his own. I started doing my own work until he interrupted me by asking a question. "You're still mad at me aren't you?" he questioned

I answered his question with a question of my own "Your still on that?"

He answered "Yeah, well I want to know why."

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