Chapter 6

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Delilah's POV

Finally it's sixth period which is lunch. Thank goodness because I was practically dying of starvation. Also thinking about food third period to keep my mind off of Sam backfired big time. My group of friends and I have our own little table to ourselves. I sat down next to Bridgette and ripped opened my brow paper bag that is packed with food. I took out my peanut butter sandwich and took a huge bite out of it.

"Jeez hungry much?" Bridgette asked jokingly to me

I tried to answer her but the peanut butter I just ate stuck to my mouth causing me to gag and choke a little bit. Then everyone at the table started to giggle and laugh at me. I finished chewing what I had in my mouth and I just stuck my tongue out at all my friends at the table. I snapped at them "Not everyone has table manners you know."

They all just shook their heads like I was crazy and went back to eating. I was listening to my friends talk about their lives when Sam walked into the lunchroom. Unlike Bridgette and I that have most of our classes together, Sam and I only have math and lunch that is the same on both of our schedules.

As much as I didn't want to look at him I couldn't help myself and I wasn't the only one taking glimpses of him either. Usually when Sam walked in the room he could turn all the girls heads. Why couldn't he notice me at least once and it's even more pathetic now that I sit next to him in math but he still doesn't even acknowledge my presences. I guess Bridgette saw what I was staring and at she zapped me back in reality shaking her head disapprovingly. I shrugged my shoulders at her, what can't a girl dream? Then I went back to eating my lunch.

Every couple of minutes or so I would sneak a quick peek at him because I couldn't resist the temptation but I made sure I wasn't obvious with staring at him so Bridgette wouldn't give me another stern look again.

His hair was messy but it didn't look bad. He was able to do the heart stopping hair flip with his medium length blondish brown hair. He did it the right amount of times too. He wasn't obsessed with doing it like some of the other guys flipping their hair every ten seconds, which instead of looking hot it ended up looking more like a twitch. Sam was pretty tall, a little bit above the average height and he had really blue colored eyes. Then when you looked into them you can't just stop staring it is kind of hypnotizing if you ask me.

The lunch period is almost over so I decided to find Sam and look for him one more time from afar. I looked around the lunch room and then I saw him.....with Rachel all over him.

Rachel is described quote and quote "the hottest girl in school" by all the guys. I thought about it though and predicted that behind all that caked on make-up on her face and without all of her hair products she would be like any one of us. The difference between someone like me and her is that she tries to get everyone's attention and me, I like to stay in the back of the crowd . She is a try hard and I am a person that just doesn't care of what other people think. So even though she was talking to Sam I wasn't as jealous as I was mad. I was angry that he couldn't see what she really would be like under her mask....just like the rest of us. 

While I was dreaming of something virtually impossible happening I was watching Rachel being all flirty with Sam. Did I mention they dated before? Yeah, they went out for some time but he found out she was cheating on him or something like that so he broke up with her. Man she is so stupid, like cheating in general is so such a dumb move but with Sam you will obviously know you'll regret it. I was watching her again and she was twisting her hair and batting her eyelashes that flapped upon her dull brown eyes. Oh how cute...not. She was head of the cheer leading squad and her light brown hair was in a perfect ponytail, laughing and smiling at him. It was really horrific to watch so I decided to look at Sam.

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