Chapter 15

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Sam's POV

We walked out of the library and we headed into my car. We got in and buckled up and started driving in silence. it got kind of awkward so I turned on the radio. My favorite song came on which is "Payphone" by Maroon 5.

It was right in the beginning of the song too. I knew by the time the chorus I would be singing along with the radio. I loved this song I can never contain myself anytime I hear it. Now I was feeling antsy the first verse was almost ending and any second I knew I would burst out singing. I put my hand to the radio as I was about to change it but another hand stopped me.

Delilah's hand pushed mine away from the radio and she said "No don't change it. I like this song."

I just shrugged like fine whatever but inside I was ready to explode. Delilah was looking out the window and I was just watching the roads. I decided if I hummed the tune of the song quietly Delilah wouldn't hear me and I wouldn't feel like having this random outburst of singing.

So the chorus started to play and I hummed the melody very quietly. But I guess I wasn't quiet enough because Delilah looked at me with a smirk on her face like oh my goodness what is he doing. I pretended not to notice and she went back to looking at the window.

The chorus finished and the second verse came on. I stopped murmuring the song because suddenly I heared something. I intensively listened and I hear her humming to the song as well. Delilah was singing with me. I looked over at her but she was still looking out the window.

The chorus came on again and this time instead of just humming I was actually singing the lyrics to the song but still very quietly. Then I heard Delilah singing with the song too. Then as the chorus continued we became louder and louder until we were practically screaming the song lyrics.

The song finally finished and we stopped singing and started laughing. Our laughter filled the car just as loud as it was when we were singing. We finally got to Delilah's house and I pulled into her driveway. Before she left I said "Thanks for the lesson."

She responded casually "No problem."

Then as she was getting out I said "Wait. Are we on for tomorrow?"

She looked at me funny and I didn't understand and then she asked me "You know tomorrow is Friday right? You really want to study on Friday?"

I thought about it for a minute and today was actually really fun I wouldn't mind doing it again tomorrow. Plus what else would I be doing on a Friday night probably sneaking out with Andrew to go to some party and then get in trouble and then grounded and that didn't sound like much fun so I told her "Yeah why not unless you have plans."

She thought about it for a minute and decided that she was okay with tomorrow so we were on. I said "Okay cool bye Lila."

Before shutting the door she said "Don't call me that."

I quickly said sorry realizing my mistake but she didn't seem to mind it to much and with that she left.

I went back to my house and went straight up to my room and pulled out my phone and went to Delilah's contact. Then I sent her a message "Hola amiga."

A couple minutes later I got a reply back from her. I figured it would just be the usual response like most people would say which is "hey" but nope she has to be different and difficult and question everything. I read her message and it said "Oh so we are friends now?"

Instead of answering her question I asked her "Why are you so stubborn and have to wonder about everything, can't you just say hey back like a regular person?"

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