Chapter 1

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Delilah's POV

"Delilah, why did you even pick this movie?" my friend, Bridgette, asked me while we were sitting in my room watching this terrible movie involving zombies.

"I don't know. I thought it would be better than this, but oh well sorry darling!" I sarcastically apologized.

"This is the last time I'm going mainstream. First everyone was so hype over vampires and werewolves and now it's zombies! Next time I'm picking the movie!" my friend shouted at me but after a few seconds of attempting be serious we both started to crack up laughing.

"Jeez child I love you" I could barley say because I was laughing too hard.

"Well if you made me popcorn I'd love you too." she said trying to persuade me with her words and that fake smile on her face.

After looking at her with my you-can't-make-me-do-anything" look for a couple minutes, I finally gave in and slowly walked myself downstairs to the kitchen where I made the popcorn.

While the popcorn was in the microwave I checked my phone that was charging in the outlet on the kitchen counter where I left it before Bridgette and I went up to watch the movie. I received three messages. One from my Mom wondering if I was okay because Bridgette and I were left home alone. I responded to her text message which wasn't really anything important. The next message was from my one of my friends that I guess want to hang out this weekend but I know I'm not going to be in the mood so I ignored the text. The last message though was from an unknown number. I opened the message and it just read "Hey babe :)" I had know idea who this person was. I figure just a wrong number. As I was about to text the person back Bridgette came into the kitchen.

"Dude what's taking you so long?" she asked with irritation in her voice because I didn't bring the popcorn up to her yet. I apologized and she took the bowl back up to my room. Once I knew the coast was clear and messaged the stranger back.

The text I wrote said " I think you have the wrong number. Sorry." I have gotten wrong numbers all the time, people make mistakes, no big deal so I trudged myself back up to my room, bringing my phone with me in case the unknown person replied back.

Bridgette and I decided that because we were already halfway through the movie we might as well finish it, so we were sitting on my bed trying to focus on the indescribable movie.

The movie finished and Bridgette and I agreed that it was probably the worst movie that we have ever seen. Then I walked Bridgette home because her house was only up the street. I soon returned home and five or ten minutes went by and I felt the vibration of my phone in my back pocket. I took out my phone and opened the text message, it was from that unknown number again. It read "Oh but I think I do have the right number. ;)" I'm thinking to myself how are they so positive that I'm the person they are looking for.

I answered back to the stranger "Who are you? I don't know who this is sorry."

I got a reply back a minute later saying "But I know you...."

Now I was fairly freaked out. All these questions started forming in my head like how does this person know me? Or were they just trying to creep me out? Finding no answers to my questions I messaged back "Okay well what's your name and how do you know me?"

Whoever this person was they were a fast at typing because it felt like only seconds went by before I felt the vibration on my phone going off as a notification that I got a message. The text read "Your name is Lila right?"

Now I was officially scared. This person obviously knows me but I don't know them. I don't know what to do but I feel like it's just some idiot from my school or something.

While I was having a melt down though I was sort of angry. Whoever the person was obviously didn't know me that well because they called me Lila. I hated that nickname, it was too girlie for me. I really liked my name Delilah anyways and it was my favorite flower/plant. The only people that have a nickname for me is Bridgette and my family members, but they will call me De on occasions. So I angrily typed "My name is Delilah thanks." trying to say that with the most sarcasm as possible but not really working because it is a text message.

I got another message right away stating "Um....I'm not really feeling Delilah. I think I'll stick with Lila. ;)"

This was really ticking me off now, this person texts me, they won't tell me who they are, and now they think they have to right to just nickname me? I don't have to deal with this so I simply messaged "Okay I'm going to stop talking to you now because your getting on my nerves so don't text me again."

The reply I got from the person said "No wait I'm sorry don't go I want to talk to you more."

I simply answered the person "Well then who are you and how do you know me?"

They said "Don't worry about it. It's not important babe. I have to go I'll text you tomorrow ;)"

"Okay don't call me babe and you don't need to text me tomorrow." I responded trying to be as harsh as possible

"Don't worry I will bye." the messaged said back

I said bye back and never got a reply. Then before I knew it the time was one in the morning. I found enjoyment when I remembered that it was Saturday night so I got to sleep in tomorrow. So after rereading the conversation I had with the stranger I fell asleep.

Sam's POV

"Dude why did you get grounded this weekend?!?!?! Now we can't go out!" I asked my friend, Andrew, angrily.

"Sorry that I'm not as good at sneaking out like you." Andrew said annoyingly remembering he got busted last week for trying to leave the house.

"Whatever at least I still got to come over. So what do you want to do?" I asked him

"I don't know there is nothing to do at my house" he responded sounding really bored

I grabbed his phone and then he asked me what I was doing. I told him "I'm going to prank text someone." I told him

Andrew told me "That is so seventh grade."

"Well is there anything else to do?" I blurted

He just shook his head in agreement to my statement. I was roaming through his contacts to see who my victim would be. I couldn't find anyone until I came to this name that I didn't know. I questioned aloud "Who is Delilah?"

"Um I'm not really sure. She is in our math I think I got her number because I needed the homework answers one day and she said she'd give them to me. Other than that I have never talked to her." He casually said

"I think she is the lucky winner." I answered quietly

I took her number from Andrew's phone and put it into mine and messaged her "Hey babe :)"

I didn't get a text back for awhile but finally I got a reply back saying the expected answer saying that I have the wrong number.

I wasn't going to let her get away that easy though so I sent back reassuringly that I knew her.

We exchanged a few more messages but then I think I started to annoy her and she threatened to stop talking to me. I decided I could continue messing with her just for a little while more so I pretended to be sorry and I'd talk to her tomorrow. In my mind I was thinking that I'm going to have too much with this.


-Is this the start of something new??? Did anybody sing that line like high school musical because that is what came to my mind when I was creating this chapter. I'm not sure how long this story is going to be but I hope whoever reads this will like the story line.

~Alyssa <3 :)

-P.S Fun Fact: The terrible movie that Bridgette and Delilah were watching was Warm Bodies that is actually currently in theaters. They thought it was a terrible movie but ironically I am planning to see it and I'm like really hype and freaking about seeing it.

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