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Today is my last day in Oregon before my mom and I move to Miami. I grew up here in a small town where everyone knew each other, and I loved it.
I am not spending my last day like you'd think. I said goodbye to all my friends and family yesterday. Today I'm spending the whole day saying goodbye to all my favorite spots. Goodbye old rope swing that I was  really scared to go on when I was 7 years old. Goodbye tree house with your slightly rotting wood and nails sticking out of the floorboards.
Most of all, goodbye to Vicky's Diner where I spent most of my time after-school, and goodbye all my memories.



I've been Lillia's best friend since we met in preschool. She pushed me off the playground and we both got recess detention where we became best friends.
It's now the summer before we are both sophomores and she's moving away. She told me that I can come visit her in Miami, but my family doesn't really have enough money to fly me so we will probably only be able to skype.
We were so close to becoming a couple before she had to leave. This sounds cliché but now I might never get my chance to tell her I love her.



"Lillia, it's time to leave!" My mom shouted loud enough to have Oregon and it's neighboring states hear.
"Coming!" I shouted back while I finished zipping my suitcase I had to sit on top of because it was bulging so much. I grabbed the rest of my stuff and headed downstairs, but not before saying goodbye to my room with the baby blue walls.
"Are you all packed?" My mom asked me while grabbing the last few boxes labeled "kitchen"."Yes I just got the last few things out of my room" I responded.
We put the last few boxes in the moving van and sent it off. Then we got in our car and headed for the airport.

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