Part 6 The meet

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When the sun grew and it started to get warm bugatti thought about what optimus had to her and she put alot of thought and so she decided to go and get this overwith. When conner got of his house he looked at his car and saw that the car did not leave anywhere and maybe that his parents were right it was his imagination that was tricking him and so he got in the car and drove off to school.
Bugatti POV.

When the young human got off and went inside the building i thought about humans and how strange are their ways but i just go with it and not only that but i also realized that the decision i had t oil male whether i should meet the autobots tonight and so i approved to go.
When conner finished school for the day he and i headed home for conner to take a rest and while he was at home, i looked around to see if i wasn't being watched and when the close is clear i quietly headed to the woods.

Narrator READING

when bugatti arrived to the woods she waited for the autobots to arrive and when she waited for a while she deiceded to go home and when she started her engine she heard noise behind her she immediately turned herself off and waited for the figure to go but then she felt someone touching her on the top part of the car she instantly transformed and when she did she realized that she exposed herself to human ,a ranger, and she stop and didn't move but the ranger began to scream and ran off to escape bugatti's presence but bugatti could not let her secret be told. Then bugatti transformed back and went to chase the ranger and erase the memory of him seeing her as a giant robot in the middle of the woods. When bugatti was close enough she shoot a bag of gas that she made when she was back at her home. While the ranger is running he looked back to see if the car wasn't chasing him and it turns out the car kept on following and suddenly the ranger triped on a rock and fell on the ground. The ranger turned his head and saw the car coming closer to him. Bugatti saw the ranger on the floor and she realized that this was her chance to transform and erase his memory. The ranger on the ground and looking shock he closed his eyes and began to tear up and thought about his family that he has but then he realizedthat he has a walky talky to call for help. The ranger quickly grabbed the walky talky and once he was about to turn on the radio it was too late, bugatti grabbed the walkytalky and she squished the walkytalky into little pieces then bugatti leaned and bugatti grabbed the bag and sprinkled a pinch of gas of powder and sprayed it on the ranger and waitrd for the ranger intantly faint. While b ugatti waited for tge autobots she felt an instant coldness in the air and when she looked up in the air she saw the stars and suddenly she felt sadness in her spark tgen she began to spare a tear then she wiped the tear off her cheeks and she sat on the ground and closed her eyes until all of the sudden the wall of rock suddenly began to glow and began to swirl and twist and bugatti quickly took out he gun and prepared for amything but then the autobots came out and bugatti immediately put her gun away and waited for a response.

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