Epilogue: Love Is Always Louder

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Its a new year at Barden University and Emily was excited..actually she was a mix of excited and terrified. Since the other Bella's had graduated she had been worrying that no girls would sign up. But to her relief at least 9 girls had signed up; Monica Trench, Skylar Peyton, Laura Moon, Mckenzie Prescott, Angela Swanson (Jesse's younger sister), Brooklyn Westwood, Trinity Henderson, Naomi Watts and Emily's roomate and friend Loveday even signed up.

Now Emily and the Bellas were practicing some of the exercises, Emily did with Beca and the others. "Beca....god I miss her" its been at least six months since Beca asked Emily to be her girlfriend, and the relationship has been going great; they Skype eachother all the time, and text eachother constantly. But Emily's worried that, now she's back at Barden and Beca just starting her career....she's worried that the spark they have is fading.

She didn't notice she was so lost in thought until someone yelled in her ear "EMILY, CAN YOU HEAR ME!". She turned to see Trinity giving her a curious look "you okay Em, you seem a little out of it today". Emily sighed, but smiled a small smile "its okay Trin, I'm fine" Trinity looked at her skeptically, but shrugged and walked back over to the group, who seemed to be discussing something.

"What are you guys doing?" Trinity asked confused as to why her friends are in a huddle, whispering. Angela grabbed Trin's wrist and pulled her into the huddle and whispered "you guys know my brother right?". The group of new Bella's (minus Em) nodded as Angela continued "well him and his friends, including Em's girlfriend are setting up a little surprise for her and they want us to help". Monica looked at Angela "whose coming, and what exactly are we gonna do?" Angela smiled and winked at Monica which made the blonde blush "all we have to do is bring Emily to the college courtyard tonight at '7:45' and the only people coming are the old Bella's, my brother and his two bestfriends...are you guys in".

Brooklyn looked the most excited "I'm soo in, I'll do anything to help a Bella and save romance". The rest of the girls agreed to the idea as well, but their conversation was interrupted by Emily yelling "Come on Bella's time for 12 minutes of cardio". All the Bella's except Loveday got up without protest, Loveday groaned as she walked over to Emily "Cardio...why is it always cardio, why can't it be 12 minutes of eating cotton candy, why can't it ever be that".

At 7:40...

Emily was dressed in a fancy white shirt that had black and gold flower pattern, she was also wearing black skinny jeans and a white, gold and black leather jacket that Beca gave her for their first date. She was meant to meet up with the 'New Bellas' for a meeting, but they told her to wear something fancy. As she entered the Bella's practice hall, she saw that a stage was set up. Emily saw Angela and Skylar talking to someone behind the curtain of the stage.

She walked closer to the stage wondering who they were talking to, but they heard her footsteps and turned around. Skylar and Angela turned to see their captain standing there, confusion written all over her face.

Skylar jumped off the stage and grabbed Emily by the wrist "hey Em, change of plans we're meeting everyone in the courtyard". Emily didn't even get a chance to question her fellow Bella's actions as she was pulled out the practice hall door's. Angela following close behind, with a smirk on her face "Em's soo gonna thank us for this later".

5 minutes later...

Emily, Angela and Skylar finally made it to the courtyard and were greeted by an entire crowd. As they made their way through the crowd, they found the 'New Bellas'. Emily was very confused, so she walked up to her bestfriend for some answers "Loveday, what's going on?" Loveday just shushed her. She also pointed up to a stage that was set up, which made Emily tilt her head in confusion "what is going on here, seriously!?".

Emily Junk, the girl I fell in love withWhere stories live. Discover now