Admitting your feelings for someone to a friend, helps Part. 2

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Beca was sitting on her bed with bulky headphones on, she was originally mixing a song but now she was listening to 'Eyes Wide Open' by Sabrina Carpenter. While listening to the inspirational song, her mind wandered to Emily "I hope she's alright..what am I talking about of course she's alright, she has come that isn't making me feel any better".

Her thoughts turned to the worst case scenario "Oh My God, what if she was taken by a murderer, or a, or a...she had a car accident, oh god. If she EVEN HAS ONE SCRATCH ON HER BEAUTIFUL HEAD, I WILL KILL WHOEVER TOOK HER!!!!!". Beca immediately went for her phone, but she noticed Amy was hiding at the edge of her bed.

Beca gave Amy a confused but unimpressed look "Amy what are doing?" Amy put on her best 'non-suspicious' face " for Stacie's virginity"? Beca unimpressed look turned into a full blown scowl "Amy, you've been acting wierd since last week. Whats up?"



Brittany started to talk about her charity that she co-created, 'Love is Louder' is what it's called. Emily smiles in awe "No way, 'Love is Louder' helped me get through middle school and highschool". Brittany, Chloe and Emily were still talking, until Anna returned with Brittany and Anna's pizza. Anna smiled down at Emily "so you're the cute new Barden Bella my cousin keeps going on about"?

Chloe smiled "wow, she called Emily cute, Beca doesn't call anything cute, unless it's that 'Baby Panda' video" Brittany giggled a bit "Wow, it's actually really funny how similar Beca and Anna are". Anna feigned a look of offense "I am nothing like Beca, I call things cute" Brittany smirked "you call me cute, and that's it" Anna smiled lovingly "I only call things cute, when they really are cute". All the other girls at the table all went 'aww', while Anna just rolled her eyes, then she looked directly at Emily "okay Em, now answer Chloe's question" Emily shot Anna a confused look, Anna rolled her eyes again "you know, Chloe's question, the one were she asked if you like Beca".

Emily's eyes immediately went wide, she had totally forgot about the question, what was she supposed to say "I'm pretty sure saying 'I'm so helplessly in love with Beca Mitchell, that I would do the whole Romeo & Juliet thing' is out of the question".

Brittany's grin grew "sooo do ya like her" Emily began to play with a strand of her hair "yeah of course I like her, she's a good friend and leader and stuff...". Chloe sighed "Not like that" Emily gave her a confused look, Anna sighed as well "let me rephrase the question; Are you in love with Beca"?


Back at the Bella Household...


Fat Amy had just told Beca she knew about her internship (having heard about it from Chloe, but covered it up, with a legit lie) and she told the petite brunette that she knew Beca was developing feelings for Emily.

Beca was okay-ish with Amy knowing about the internship, but the whole crush thing was what made her yell like a freakin banshee. How could Amy know that Beca loves Emily. Wow. Since when did 'love' come into this picture.

Fat Amy sat down next to Beca "listen shortcake, I'm like your BFFF, yoh can talk to me about shit like this". Beca looked at her with the 'you seriously are wierd' look "BFFF?". Amy stood up with much pride and answered with "Best Fat Friend Forever".

That sent Beca into a little giggle fit, once she calmed down she thought about what Amy had said to her.


Emily Junk, the girl I fell in love withWhere stories live. Discover now