Breakfast & Conversation

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The next day, Beca woke up with a smile plastered on her face. Until she realised Fat Amy was staring right in the face, Beca jumped up in surprise "Amy, why the hell are you watching me sleep". Amy just starred her straight in the face, when the sudden realization hit her like freight train "Oh My God! Stop the presses, Beca Mitchell has a crush on someone other than that douchebag Jesse!"

Beca was beyond confused right now but it was too early in the morning to deal with Fat Amy's antics "Amy, One don't call Jesse a douchebag he's still my friend and two, what the hell are talking about? I have a crush?" Amy knowing what the small brunette was like early in the morning decided not to press the matter...until lunch that is. Amy smiled at the grouchy brunette "Oh..never mind shaw shank" Beca gave her a suspicious look, but had no brain power to think about it, she sighed got out of bed and noticed her phone had an un-read message on it, she clicked it, it read "Rebeca Mitchell, please do not come to work today, we are having some technical problems with the buliding. So we sent this message to you inform you that you have a day off ". She sighed again and put her phone on her bed and walked down stairs to were the rest of the bella's were having breakfast.

They were all chatting amoungst themselves; Flo was talking about something that involved her father being half goat or something, Stacie, Jessica and Ashely were discussing something about that new disney movie 'TomrrowLand'.

Lily was playing snap with Cynthia-Rose on the couch, waiting for the third batch of pancakes to be served, then she saw Emily sitting next to them writing in a notebook with intense concentration. She smiled at the younger girl, whom she really didn't know much about, seemings they only got to talk for like two minutes at the party last night. So she decided to go talk to the quirky freshman.

Beca walked over to where Emily was sitting "S'up Em, what you got going on there?" Emily smiled "nothing much, just writing down some lyrics" Beca smiled bigger "You write songs?" Emily grinned and nodded. Beca was actually really impressed by this freshman, she could sing like a freakin goddess and she can write songs. "That's really cool, Em" Emily couldn't help but feel warm & fuzzy on the inside, being praised by the leader of the bella's not to mention the one person who changed the bella's choice in music. It felt good. Emily decided it would be wise to go back to figuring out some more lyrics for the song she was writing, while Beca watched Cake Boss: The Next Great Baker Season 3. Beca only liked the show because she liked Ashely Holt; only because Ashely reminded her of herself; with the whole 'I don't give three craps if you're better then me attitude'.

Fat Amy skipped into the lounge room, smiling when she saw Emily and Beca sitting next to eachother "Hey! Legacy!" Beca immediatley saw Emily cringe at the new nickname Amy bestowed upon her, but Emily didn't comment on the nickname, Beca knew why, it must be hard for her to try an express herself since the rest of the bella's are seniors and she's just a freshman. And Beca could tell Emily was raised to respect her seperiors. Emily looked over to Amy "wha'cha need?"

Fat Amy thought she saw Beca sigh in dissapointment when Emily got up to start helping, but decided to ignore it "Chloe and yours truly needs help, bringing out the next wave of pancakes" Emily happily walked into the kitchen to grab the pancake batch.

Amy smirked at the petite brunette "You and Legacy, eh?" Beca looked at the large blonde confused "What are you talking-" she was interuppted by Chloe "Okay, Bella's! Hurry up and finish these pancakes, cause we have an event to attend" Beca being the captain asked her co-captain "what is this said event?". Chloe responded with "we're going to a car show to scout that german group...the bitches who stole our tour" she said the last bit with bitterness in her voice.

Knowing Chloe didn't want to say anymore the Bella's started eating the last batch of pancakes still conversating over different and or wierd they always would. The only one who wasn't really speaking with anyone was Emily, it reminded Beca of herself in the sense that she never really thought she would fit in with such interesting people. Beca found herself wanting to know to more about the younger girl, but being the alt. girl she was, she wasn't going to ask straight foward...yet.

But there was one thing she was sure of, there is definitely something about Emily Junk that Beca wants to know about.

Author Notes:

Okay, this is some pretty different stuff compared to what I usually would write in a story at home. Do you guys think Beca's a bit OC'ish if you do please say something. If you guys like this story, than you are aca-awesome, and if you don't then that's okay. Like I said in the last chapter I'm up for any critizim you guys give me.

Anyway now that's out of the way thank you for reading this and I'll see you later you aca-nerds.

Emily Junk, the girl I fell in love withWhere stories live. Discover now