How's Do I Know She's My Soulmate

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They finally graduated. The Beca that came to Barden in 2012 would've never imagined Beca, would graduate as the leader of an acapella group and an english major. But she would never trade going to Barden for the world. She made some true friends and some great memories there and even though she's happy that she will be able to see what her college experience can give her in the outside world, she's also sad that she may not see a lot of her friends. But now is not the time, to think about that stuff, now's the time to kick some german ass.

The Bella's were just finishing packing all their stuff, their flight wasn't until '4:26' and it was only '2:45' so they had lots of time to relax.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Emily's dorm...

Emily had just finished packing her stuff for the trip, so she had a good hour to kill before she'd have to leave to meet the Bella's. So she sat on her bed in her dormroom, listening to 'Part of Me' by Katy Perry, until she heard a knock on her door. "Hey, Em, I left my dorm keys inside, can you let me in" Emily smiled at her dorm roomates antics, she paused her music, got up and opened the door.

She was greeted with the smiling face of her dorm roomate; Loveday Creevy. Loveday was a quirky, creative, funny and sometimes clumsy blonde, but those traits relate with Emily's own personality and that's why the became such good friends. Loveday gave Em a hug then walked over to her bed and flopped face first onto it. Emily laughed at her friend's tiredness "what's got you so tired, I'm pretty sure Luke making you stack CD's is no where near as sleep-depriving as worrying about a crush". Loveday's head shot up at hearing that comment "crush, you never said anything about a crush" Emily's eyes widened, finally realizing what she had just revealed.

"I wasn't meant to tell you-" Emily was cut off by her friend's rambling "Is it a she or a he? What are they like? Do they like music? Cause if they don't they are definitely not for you and-". Emily punched the blonde in the arm, which caused her to go 'ouch', Emily sighed "I don't think I can call it a crush anymore, I think I'm in love with her". Loveday squealed in excitement, but then noticed the expression on the taller girls face. Loveday patted the spot next to her on her bed, and Emily sat down staring at floor, Loveday offered Emily a small smile "that's a good thing, isn't it?".

Emily sighed, her eyes drifting up to stare at the wall "It is, I just, when I envisioned myself falling in love with someone, I wanted it to be my soulmate". Loveday patted her friend's shoulder "I don't think I can help you with this, but maybe someone closer to you can" Emily smiled, already having an idea on who could help her. She turned to the short, (but not Beca short), blonde and hugged her and murmured a 'thank you'. Loveday looked out the window and saw that her brother; Fin's car was waiting there for her.

Loveday rushed, grabbing her suitcases and other things. She gave Em a hug and opened the door, but before she left she said "Good Luck at 'The World's' Em, me & my mom will be rooting for ya". And with that Loveday left. Emily immediately grabbed out her phone and dialed the number. Hopefully her cousin would answer the phone.

Meanwhile...In Copenhagen...

Hailee, Rebel, Ester, Anna.K, Brittany, Anna.C and Skylar were in the lounge room of Anna.K and Brittany's shared hotel room. Anna.K, Ester, Rebel and Skylar were playing 'Call of Duty: Black ops 2' on the xbox Skylar somehow smuggled through security. Hailee, Brittany and Anna.C were talking about the performance they were going to be performing in 1 day.

Hailee heard her phone go off, she knew it was her's because the ring tone was 'Timber'. She looked at the caller ID and saw it was her cousin, she answered..

(E - Emily, H - Hailee, AK - Anna Kendrick)

H - "Sh'mello"

E - "Hey Hail's, remember when you told me you were in Copenhagen for a charity thing with Anna Kendrick and the others?"

H - "Yes, I recall myself telling you that"

E - "Um, is it alright if I talk to Anna (Anna.K) for a minute"

H - "um, okay, let me check"

Hailee turned to Anna.K who had paused the game to grab a drink of ginger beer. "Hey, AK my cousin is asking if she could talk to you" Anna quirked an eyebrow "whose your cousin?" Hailee simply responded with "her name's Emily Junk". At hearing that name, Anna didn't hesitate snatching the phone out of Hailee's hands.

AK - "Hey Em, how's it hanging?"

E - "Um, is it alright if I ask you something?"

AK - "You can ask me anything you need kiddo, what's up?"

E - "how do you know, when someone might be your soulmate?"

Anna just smiled brightly at the question, she knew why Em was asking this and it made her happy knowing she trusted an almost complete stranger for help.

AK - " well uh... Well, they're like a best friend, but more. They're the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. They're someone who makes you a better person....actually, they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself....because they inspire you. Your soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever...they're the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did....or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you'll always love them. Nothing would ever change that. Does that make sense?"

Emily was silent for a moment, before she replied "yeah, yeah that makes sense". Anna smiled, thinking "based off of Em's reaction, I think Beca falls deep into the criteria of 'her soulmate'....god, only someone as cheesy as Emily would ask me something like this".

AK - "well, I hope that's what you wanted to hear Em, but I gotta go, I'll see you at 'The World's'."

E - "Yeah..thanks Anna. Bye."

AK - "You're Welcome, see ya in Copenhagen"

With that Anna hung up with a smile, she turned to her friends who were staring at her with amazement. "What?" Brittany giggled and hugged her girlfriend from behind "I think that they're a little shocked at what a big romantic you are". Anna rolled her eyes and went back to playing Xbox.

Meanwhile..Back at Barden...

Emily smiled as she recalled whag Anna had said. Beca has down all of things Anna had stated, but the only problem was if Beca liked Emily that way. "Well, she might, I mean we did almost kiss..twice" her little conversation was interrupted, when her phone buzzed, it was a text from Chloe, it read; "It's time to get to the airport so stop thinking about your toner and get going".

Emily blushed at the comment "How did Chloe- you know what forget it, I should get going". And with that she picked up her suitcases, locked the door and left for the Bella's Household..Beca not to far from her

Authors Notes:
Hey everyone, I hope you like this chapter it took me all night to do. Um, anyway the whole idea of this was based off a quote from a Bechloe video I found on youtube here's the link:

But I hope this chapter doesn't come off as cheesy. The next chapter is their first night at the hotel in Copenhagen, warning; Karaoke is going to happen, so deal with it.

Anyway that's all I had to say, so for now I say goodbye to you aca-cool people.

Emily Junk, the girl I fell in love withWhere stories live. Discover now