Day 9: Lost

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woke up on my bed with immense disbelief, I thought the whole scene was just stirred up and dreamt up by my subconscious. But when the Ender Pearl was nowhere to be seen, I knew that it had happened. But would it happen again? The first thing I seeked in this world when I appeared in it was other intelligent forms of life. Now that I’ve seen not one, but three creatures as or even more intelligent as me; my feelings were mixed… and now I began to think that I was better off on my own.

The Ender Pearl was gone from me… I all of a sudden missed its round shape and weight; I had nothing to do now while gathering my thoughts together. I felt an odd feeling of loss toward the object, the loss of oneself in a way. I thought about it for some time, how could I feel this way about a mere object I found in a shallow lake in a desert. The feeling was odd, I was meant to come across that Pearl, but was I meant to part with it, will it return to me in time? That somewhat boosted my hopes and I decided to investigate further about the Pearl, about the tall black people and what made those two tings so important.

I started on the beginning of all the anomalies, the shallow desert lake. Torches in the heat and sun was useless, so I was glad I left wooden planks to direct me back to where I came from and along the way would be the lake. I hadn’t packed much since I didn’t expect but a few Creepers I’d be able to spot from a long ways away.At first you didn’t see the lake, just a twinkle from the distance, a reflection from all that sun. But as you grew closer you could vaguely see its shape slowly form before you till the lake was just a step away from you.

I jumped in it as I did before to escape the heat, then I walked in it slowly till I saw that there was nothing to find. As soon as I left the lake I felt the suns intense rays quickly dry me. I walked around the lake this time, thinking and moving to generate even more thoughts… I still had supplied in my old settlement and I did see the tall figure in the cave close to home. That was my next destination, and that’s where I thought I’d most likely see them again.

Following my markers back, I came across the bridge I found. Thinking that it could be further improved, I created an arch entrance for décor out more cobble stone. I then undid it and left the bridge as it was. An archway is something for a much larger design, a lot larger. But I did leave some cobblestone by the edge for a railing that looked quite nice. Happy with my slight improvement I went on to my old home where it stood exactly as I left it with all the items and blocks exactly where I last paced them.

I had a meal of raw beef before going to the cave. I crafted myself another stone sword in case matters grew to their worst. The wooden planks lead me straight to the ocean where I stood for some moments gazing at it. One of these days… I reminisced to myself, one of these days nothing will stop me from venturing forth.

The cave was no different from how I last saw it, without light or safety inside. I crafted a few torches for myself, one of which I held on my left to keep lightened wherever I went. I was descending in it, seeing natural wonders the deeper I went. There were fewer monsters inside this time. It was seemingly safe and that didn’t change the lower I was. I kept my pace and left clues for my return, I wasn’t going to be lost inside the earth, or so I thought. The deeper I went, the more complex the system grew. Underground ravines, chasms, pits and drops were everywhere. I was glad I had light wherever I went, I was glad that I didn’t fall stuck inside natures death traps. I had a few close calls where I didn’t look where I was going, but instinct caused me stop my feet and look down before the worst could happen. I didn’t mine anything this time; this was a reconnaissance mission to explore further in search of those creatures. Then all of a sudden I was lost in this underground maze of stone. I went back to find my markers but they were nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden up was down and left was right, I panicked and I was scared. Was this my tomb for all eternity? Was I to see the light of day again? I didn’t know…

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