Chapter 15

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Chelsea's POV

Victoria just texted me that she had the best night last night.

Chelsea: wtf!😂 ohhhhhkay

Victoria😎👯: Dude I'm so happy. I don't need Jc :( but I do miss having a good big brother.

Chelsea: I'm gonna go talk to him

Victoria😎👯: what?! why?!

Chelsea: Cause what he did was wrong. 

Then she didn't reply. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, and got dress. I got in my car and drove to Jc's. I knocked on the door and Jc opened it. "Hey Jc." I greeted him. "Oh uh hey.." he said shyly. "Can I come in?" I asked giggling since he was starting at me. "Oh! yeah." he moved out of the way and took me to the sofa. "So how come your here?" he asked scratching his head. I sighed and put my phone down. "Jc.. what you said to your sister was wrong and letting Ricardo stay with you after what he did... that's-" he interrupted me, "I lied." he said in a quiet voice. "what?" I asked confused. "I lied so Victoria wouldn't see me like this." my mouth dropped. "Jc let me see your wrist." I said trying to grab his arm but he pulled away. "Why do you care?!" he said with his voice raised. "Because! Your my best friends brother!! And she cares about you so I do too!" I said even though that's only half the truth. "Well I don't want anyone trying to help me. I wanna live alone." he said standing up. "Don't you care about your sister?!" I said standing up too. "YES! THATS WHY I DONT WANT HER HERE! SHE'LL BE MISERABLE SEEING ME LIKE THIS! I WANT HER TO BE HAPPY AND SHES HAPPY WITH KIAN!" he yelled at me. "okay I get it." I started to say, "I'll just live with you then!" I smiled. He looked happy but upset. Mainly upset. "NO!" he yelled. "You don't want your sister to see you miserable but I bet you don't care if I see you miserable, so I'm gonna get you out of that bad habit. Understand?" I said sounding like a mother. "F-fine..." he agreed. He was blushing though which made me blush. "I'm gonna go home to get my stuff and I'll be back later on. Don't do anything you'll regret okay?" I said while walking out the door. "Okay. I won't." he said and closed the door.

Jc's POV

Okay this is good. No actually this is amazing. Now that I'll be living with Chelsea I feel like I'll be happy again. Just like I was when I was 10. A happy kid. Except now I'll be a happy young adult. But why does she care so much?? Not that it bothers me but I'm curios. Does she like me?!

I laughed to myself. Yeah right. But I like her. She makes me laugh and smile. She helps me forgot about me being known as "the nerd". I have a feeling life's gonna be better with Chelsea.


Victoria's POV

I sighed out loud. "what's wrong babe?" Kian asked hugging me from behind since I was washing the dishes. "Chelsea said she's gonna go talk to Jc."  Kian kissed my cheek. "As long as Ricardo never shows his face around me or you, you should be happy." I smiled. "your right." I said and turned my head so we kissed on the lips. "Are you ready to go back to school?" I asked him as he was still wrapped around me. "I guess... I only have today and tomorrow and then we go back to school." he smiled and sighed. "Yeah but no big deal schools almost over anyways." I tried to cheer him up. "Yeah that's good." he said. He let go of me as I finished the dishes and went to the couch. "What do you wanna do today?" he asked smiling. That cute smile could kill anyone. "I'm kind of tired how bout we just have a lazy day?" I suggested. Kian smirked, "Yeah I'm tired from last night too." I playfully hit his chest. "Wanna watch a scary movie?!" he said jumping on me. "Kian!" I laughed. I laid on the couch on my stomach and Kian was laying on my back. He kissed my cheek multiple times and I smiled. "What scary movie?" I asked as he continued kissing my cheek. He stopped and laid his cheek on my cheek as he still laid on me. "I don't know.. the gallows?" he suggested. "Oh yeah! Let's!" I said excited. "eh but I don't wanna get off of you though!" he pouted. "Kiannn..." I pouted back. "Fine." he got of and went to the remote and went on Netflix and put the gallows. "WAIT! Pause it!" I yelled. He quickly paused it. "what?!" he asked. I got up and closed the shades so it was dark. I then got some super soft and wide covers for us to cuddle under. "Okay! Ready. Come cuddle with me!" I exclaimed. He scooted over to my side of his big black couch. We got super cozy and cuddled up together. I feel so happy with him. "Okay start." and he did.

Towards the middle of the movie we heard the doorbell ring. Kian paused the movie and got up. When he came back joseph was behind him. "Heyyyyyyyyyy love birds!" joseph said raising his eyebrows. "Hey jj." I said and smiled. Kian came back and cuddled me again. "Whatcha doin?" jj asked. "We were watching a movie and cuddling." Kian sounded annoyed and I think jj noticed that. "Oh my bad! I'll go to kitchen or something and do a younow!" he smiled and went off. Kian started the movie again and we jumped like every 5 seconds.


Joseph's POV

I went to the kitchen and went on younow. "Hey guys! What's up?" I asked to anyone who was watching. All the comments were saying hi and hey and Ily or self promo. "Okay I'm gonna show you guys my otp." I said and quietly walked to the couch where Kian and Victoria were watching a movie. Everyone in the comments said lol cute or aww. I slowly walked away and went back to the kitchen. I was on younow for about an hour and Victoria and Kian walk in right as I'm saying bye. Victoria popped her head in. "Hai!" she waved. And Kian asked what's that all about and why do I have so many viewers. "It's younow you just broadcast and one day I did one for fun and people liked me I guess so they watch me when I do one." I explained. Kian nodded his head and waved to the people. "Okay guys I gotta go I might do one tomorrow! Byyyeeee!" and I ended the broadcast. "How was the movie?" I asked them. "OHHH it was really good!" Victoria said excited. "Yeah I was pretty scared not gonna lie." Kian admitted. "Ha well it's like 7:30 I think I'm gonna go home!" I said heading to the door. "Oh okay." Victoria said. "Alrighty then!" Kian said sounding like Jim Carrey. I laughed and left.

Chelsea's POV

I went to my house and packed my bags. I stuffed all my clothes in a suitcase and I put all my shoes in another suitcase. I put accessories and makeup in a bag. I grabbed all my stuff and put it in the trunk of my car. I closed the trunk and drove to Jc's house. When I got there I rang the doorbell. Jc opened and smiled. I smiled and he helped me with my bags. "Thanks." I said setting down some stuff. "So which room is mine?" I asked straight forward. "Uh Victoria's old room." he said shyly. I sighed in frustration. "Ugggghhhh Jc why do you act so shy around me?! Show me your inner cool kid, nice kid, maybe even a little bad boy! You don't have to be all nerdy and shy around me." I breathed out. "oh.. sorry heh.." I just walked upstairs to my new room. I put all my stuff away. "So uh wanna watch a movie?" he asked me. I could tell he was trying to show me his inner cool kid. "Yeah sure what movie?" I said stepping out of my room and walking downstairs with him. "Uh.. any movie you want!" he smiled. There's his inner nice kid. "Hmm I don't know what I wanna watch..." I said thinking as we sat on the couch. Jc looked so nervous. But so cute. He wasn't wearing nerdy clothes. He was wearing some really normal teenage boy clothes. "Well maybe we don't have to watch a movie then..." he said and leaned in.

Jc's POV

Well. She wanted me to express my inner cool kid, my inner nice kid, and my inner bad boy. When she said she didn't know what movie she wanted to watch I knew how to show my inner bad boy. I leaned in and kissed her. I knew I had to spice it up for me to seem like a "bad boy" so while I kissed her I slid my hand under her so I was touching her butt. That's all I got for now:/. But she kissed me back which surprised me. We kissed for about 30 seconds and then we pulled away.

Chelsea's POV

And there's his inner bad boy.


Heyyy! How do you like these chapters so far ? I hope your enjoying them:) Love you all☺️💗

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