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AN: Hola, I just wanted to say thank you so much to anybody reading because I just got 100 reads on this book and I know it's not a lot for most people but I am v v grateful so thank you. Matt is above (Tyler Blackburn loml) please please please let me know what you think and please read my gal's books CobainWannabe because she's an amazing writer and deserves tons more readers okay and also she made my cover that is all thanks again !! Sorry if this chapter is a  bit boring, it's all leading up to the drama muahaha


I hated the word almost. I almost passed my test. It almost happened. He almost kissed me.

It was a word that meant a missed opportunity. An abandoned possibility. An unclear outcome. I didn't like the feeling of emptiness that came with the word, knowing that something may have happened, but didn't. I hated the idea of never knowing how a situation would turn out if the thing that almost happened really did happen. I hated that it meant coming so close to something, but never quite reaching it.

I did not know if I wanted Ashton to kiss me that day in the forest, but I did not like that it almost happened. It is true what they say, almost is never enough, and thinking about what could have been kept me awake at night.

It had been two weeks since the incident when I saw him again.

"I have something to show you," Ashton told me excitedly, shuffling slightly on the brown 'welcome' mat covering my doorstep.

Considering the school year had ended and we were only required to meet at Ivory Lake once a week with the coven, I was rather surprised to see him.

"Hello to you, too." I raised my eyebrows at Ashton's impatience and stood aside so he could enter. He didn't move an inch.

"It would probably be better if I showed you outside." He took a step back, so I grabbed my coat quickly and followed him onto the overgrown grass beside my house. A part of me already wished that I had shut the door in his face, but I had to remind myself that he had done nothing wrong and I should at least be tolerant of him after I had told him that I enjoyed his company.

"This is all very mysterious." I crossed my arms over my chest expectantly.

He smirked. "I love a good mystery," he teased, clearly trying to make me wait as long as possible in order to irritate me.

"As do I. So get on with it," I instructed. He didn't need telling twice.

He extended his right hand, his palms turned to face the sky, his fingers curled slightly. At first, I thought this may have been some kind of joke, but as I was about to interrupt him a tiny spark flew upwards from his hand.

"Wait, this isn't the best bit," he told me, glancing at me for a second before returning all of his focus back on his hand.

His stare was harsh, a frown plastered on his face and his tongue poking out in concentration. I tried to ignore how adorable he looked when he was absorbed in whatever it was that he was trying to do.

Without warning, a burst of effervescent reds and oranges rose from his palm, creating a single flame wafting against the slight breeze.

I gasped, squinting slightly at the brightly burning fire hovering over Ashton's outstretched hand. His face was lit up by the flame he had created, shadows casting against parts of his face and his eyes reflecting the colours in front of him. He looked powerful, and for the first time I understood how it was possible that we could be witches. Because normal people did not create fire with their hands, or make it rain, or read people's minds. Maybe it had taken me a while to truly accept it, but I was a witch, and so was Ashton, and so were the others. We were witches, and we were powerful.

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