Key Gets Kidnapped

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Third Person POV

Key crawls into bed, a smile plastered to his face knowing his fiancee would be home tomorrow.

His platinum blond hair falls in his eyes as he grows even more excited to see his beloved fiancee.

When he finally starts to settle in to rest, banging starts being heard from somewhere beyond the bedroom.

Key rolls his eye. It's probably Lindsey and Elizabeth again. Those to are so kind to stay with me while Jonghyun is on tour, but man are they loud. Especially at night. Key shiver remembering listening to my cousin and Lizabeth.

What Key didn't know was there was a fight going on in the living room and Lindsey and Elizabeth were slowly losing.

Right as Key starts to fall asleep, his bedroom door is slammed open and he's roughly yanked from bed.

"Jonghyun would pay dearly for his precious fiancee," someone says as a cloth is tied around Key's mouth.

"I don't know why Jonghyun would choose some ugly boy over my beautiful self," a girl says.

"Probably because Jonghyun's gay, Hye," the first says.

"Mark! Hye! Hurry up!" another person hisses.

Key's wrists are tied behind his back and tears start to fall from his eyes.

Why do these to have to ruin my life? Key thinks as he's thrown around someone's shoulder.

When they go through the living room, even more tears fall when he catches a glimpse of his badly beaten cousin and her wife unconscious on the floor.

Why did you hurt them?! Key's mind screams.

Key's carried out of his home and thrown into a car.

"Jonghyun will pay for sicking Key's crazy cousin on us all those years ago!"

"Yes he will if he wants his beloved unharmed."

Key shutters at the thought of having his life in the hands of his worst enemies yet again.

Jjong, please hurry. Key begs as he feels the vehicle start to move, taking him his house. Don't let Lindsey and Lizabeth sit like that for very long. Save them before me.

High School isn't so bad (a JongKey fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now