The Surprise

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Key's POV

I get pushed against my bedroom wall.

"You shouldn't do that to me Key. It's a very dangerous thing to do," Jonghyun says seductively.

I fight the urge to lean my head back.

"Jjong, no! I'm mad at you!" I protest, biting my bottom lip.

"Really now?" Jonghyun coos and moves my hands above my head and holds them there with one hand.

"Yes!" I say to not cave and let Jonghyun win.

Jonghyun turns me around- my hands still pinned above my head- and cups my cheek with his free hand. I try to look away but Jonghyun moves the hand that was previously cupping my cheek under my chin, making me look at him.

"You look so cute when you're defenseless," Jonghyun says.

Jonghyun presses his lips to mine and I squirm trying to not give in.

Jonghyun moves his hand from my chin and wraps it around my waist, pulling me closer. He releases my hands and I cave and wrap my arms around his neck.

Jonghyun guides us to my bed and lays us down. We break the kiss I bury my face in his muscular chest.

I feel so safe now. Right here, in Jonghyun's arms.

Jonghyun's POV

I pull Key closer into my chest when I hear him lightly, almost inaudible, snoring.

I let out a small sigh as I look at Key.

What if what Lindsey told me is true? And we run into one of his old classmates? I can't fight like Ginger or Minho. How will I defend him?

"Hey, wake up," someone says softly.

"Huh?" I ask fully awake since I never fell asleep.

"Oh I thought you were since you were so quiet," Lindsey says. "C'mon we'll be late if we don't leave now."

"Should I wake up Key?" I ask, quietly standing up.

Lindsey shakes her head. "It's better if he's asleep. Don't worry Liz is asleep as well."

"Okay," I say and pick Key up bridal style.

I carry Key to the car and set him in the back seat with Elizabeth.

While we are driving, the worry returns.

"Lindsey, if what you said is true, what will happen if we run into one of Key's old classmates?" I ask.

"Don't worry," Lindsey says. "There's more of me than people know. I'm not all that bright. I can fight. But I like to hide it. I do have a dark side."

I look at Lindsey. "Really?"

"Only Key knows," Lindsey says. "Not even Liz knows."

"Then you really must not like people knowing about that," I say.

"No," Lindsey says and pauses. "I don't."

For a second I swear I saw hatred and something else flash over Lindsey's facial features- which scared me- then Lindsey's smile returned.

Time Skip
Key's POV

Someone shakes me lightly then says, "Jagiya, wake up. Lindsey and I have a surprise for you."

"Huh? Where are we?" I ask looking around and see very familiar surroundings.

"C'mon," Jonghyun says pulling me out of the car.

Jonghyun tugs me a little ways then stops where Lindsey and Elizabeth were sitting on a blanket starring at the stars.

Then it all hit me and I shudder. My old town.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and smile.

Jonghyun pulls me down onto the blanket and Lindsey and Jonghyun pull out similar boxes like the one Jonghyun's mom gave him.

"Can I now know what's in the box?" I ask.

Jonghyun chuckles and opens the box. Pulling out two jackets and hands me one.

Tears well up and my eyes and I throw my arms Jonghyun.

"Oh thank you so much! I love it!" I say.

"Happy four year anniversary, Liz," Lindsey says passing her the box she had.

"Happy four year anniversary, Lindsey." Liz says passing her a small box.

They open the boxes and both go wide eyed and tear up.

"You shouldn't have!" they exclaim.

"What is it?" I ask looking at them.

Elizabeth pulls out a blue and black Big Bang GD baseball cap that was signed with a silver color and puts it on her head backwards so that the signature faces the front.

"Wait, there's something else written on her," I say.

"It says, 'You're very lucky to have someone who went all out for a gift. Be nice to her. G-Dragon',"  Jonghyun reads.

"Wait, you really went and found GD to have him sign this?" Elizabeth asks.

"Yep," Lindsey says.

"Here let me put the necklace on you," Elizabeth says.

Elizabeth grabs the necklace and puts it around Lindsey's neck.

"I need a walk," I say and stand up trying to get Jonghyun to follow.

"I'm gonna go with him," Jonghyun says pushing himself up and grabbing my hand.

High School isn't so bad (a JongKey fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now