Summer break

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Key's POV

The final bell rings and everyone cheers.

"Finally! School is out!" I sigh as I walk out of the school building.

I see Jonghyun and walk up behind him and place my hands over his eyes.

"Guess who," I say.

"Hey jagiya," Jonghyun says grabbing my wrists.

"Oh, according to umma and Lindsey, Elizabeth will be over for the week," I say.

"Who's Elizabeth?" Taemin asks.

"Lindsey's girlfriend," I say.

"Lindsey's a lesbian?" Onew asks.

"Yeah. Didn't I tell you?" I state.

"No," Onew says. "Well I got to go. I'm gonna go with my parents some place that I don't even know."

"Alright, see you later," Jonghyun and I say.

"We gotta go to, we're going outta town to for a fitness thing," Minho says.

"Alright bye," we say.

My phone buzzes and plays Big Bang's Monster. I pull it out of my pocket and answer it.

"Yeah Lindsey?"
"Key, would you be the best cousin in the world and pick Liz up from the airport?"
"I guess. Only because you're my favorite cousin."
"Omg! Thanks Key!"
"You're welcome. See you when we get home."
"See ya when you get home."

I hang up and start to head towards the car with Jonghyun.

"We need to stop at the airport to pick up Elizabeth," I say as Jonghyun opens my door.

"Alright," Jonghyun says and starts to drive to the airport.

When we get to the airport it took me only a few minutes to spot out the familiar sea foam blue/green mermaid like hair (The picture.) then the oh so familiar tough girl style.

"There she is," I say.

"Where?" Jonghyun asks.

"Hey Elizabeth," I say.

"Hey Key," Elizabeth says.

"Wait, this is Elizabeth?" Jonghyun asks.

"Yeah. She's way different from Lindsey, but they're so cute together," I say.

"So who's your friend?" Elizabeth asks looking around trying to find something or someone.

"Lindsey isn't with us," I say. "We came here straight after school."

"Oh," Elizabeth says.

"So Elizabeth, this is Jonghyun. Jjong, this is the infamous Elizabeth that Lindsey went on and on about," I introduce and Elizabeth shoots her hand out but Jonghyun bows.

"Nice to finally meet you," Jonghyun says.

Elizabeth retracts her hand with an awkward smile. "Okay then."

I throw an arm around Elizabeth's shoulder and guide her towards the exit. "C'mon. Lindsey's waiting for you."

Elizabeth smiles widely and gets a dreamy look.

I chuckle and look at Jonghyun who smiles at me.

Jonghyun's POV

I smile at Key and wrap my arms around his shoulders.

You two don't know what you will be doing tonight. I think looking at Key and Elizabeth.

When we get to the car I open Key's and Elizabeth's door allowing them to climb in.

"Thank you," Elizabeth says as I close her door.

I climb into the driver's seat and start the engine. I grab Key's hand as we head down the road towards my house.

When we get there, Elizabeth looks in aw. "This isn't what Lindsey described Key!"

"This isn't my house," Key says as we all get out.

"Oh," Elizabeth says.

I walk up to my room and start to shuffle through my things before starting to panic and run downstairs.

"Umma! I can't find the thing!" I say.

"Jonghyun, what thing?" umma asks.

"The thing," I say.

"Oh that," umma says and moves towards the fridge and grabbing a box off the top. "Your sister and her friends were messing with it. I told them that they couldn't because it was your's."

"Thank you umma," I say and run back to my room.

"Jjong, what's in the box?" Key asks.

"You'll see later," I say and change into shorts and a white t-shirt and grab a jacket.

"But Jjong," Key whines back hugging me.

"You're not gonna get me to tell you," I say.

"Fine then! Be like that!" Key says and stomps out of the room to the car.

I sigh and follow. "Umma we're leaving."

"Alright love you," umma says.

"Love you too," I say and head out to my car to find Key pouting in the passenger's seat.

"Key, you'll see later," I say.

"But I want to know now," Key whined.

"But you can't," I say.

"Can I know?" Elizabeth asks.

"Nope," I say and drive to Key's house.

When we get there, Key runs into his house.

"Umma, Jjong is being mean!" Key whines.

"How?" Key's mom asks.

"He won't let me see what's in this box he has!" Key continues to whine.

"Oh. Is it that thing for the other thing?" Key's mom asks.

"Yep," Lindsey and I say as Lindsey bounces into the living room.

"ELIZABETH!" Lindsey yells and runs over to Elizabeth and engulfs her in a hug.

"Hey babe," Elizabeth says.

"OMG! I missed you so much!" Lindsey says.

"Yeah but me and our friends miss you the most. It's not the same without you bouncing around making everyone smile," Elizabeth says.

"I know," Lindsey smiles.

"Wait, you guys know as well!?" Key whines.

"Well yeah," Lindsey and Key's mom say.

"Not fair!" Key whines and stomps to his room.

"Key," I say and follow.

Key slams his door and locks it.

"Key, please open up," I beg.

"No!" Key says.

I rattle the nob then head downstairs.

"Umma, can I have the master's key? Key locked himself in his room again," I say.

"Sure," Key's mom says and opens a cupboard, pulling out the key.

"Thanks," I say.

I head back to Key's door and unlock it then put the key back.

I go back to Key's door and open it quietly then sneak in and shutting the door without a single noise being made.

I walk over to Key and pin him to the wall with his back turned to me.

"You shouldn't do that to me Key. It's a very dangerous thing to do," I say seductively.

High School isn't so bad (a JongKey fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now