Chapter 5

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"Love get confused and you do stuff you don't mean to do and you just-you hate yourself and sometimes you don't even want to love the person you do because it would be so much easier if you didn't. But you just-you just do."-Elizabeth Scott "The Unwritten Rule"


Chapter 5


"What was I doing in your bed!" she growls. I shrink back a little as her eyes narrow; she gasps and puts a hand to her chest.

"Did you deflower me?" she asks in disbelief. I shake my head as her hands go around my throat.

"What? No! That's not what happened!" I say trying to explain.

"Tell me the truth!" she yells.

"I-I-achhh- I'm tryiiing!" I say strangled, she adds more pressure and I'm hardly breathing. She lets go a little bit. I take my chance and yell, "That one weird kid brought you here and I just put you in my bed to sleep! Now let go!" I could feel my cheeks heating up and my breathing getting deeper. Kari looks confused for a minute then let's go. I inhale deeply and get a hold of my throat trying to breathe normal again.

"Oh! Okay!" she smiles widely and rolls off of me. I look at her confused. She really is weird, maybe she has some disease I don't know about.

"Where's Avery?" she asks. I sit up in bed, happy that I'm inhaling right again.

"With Aiden, why did you give that weird guy our address?" I say scratching the back of my neck and stretching. Kari's eyes stay glued to my body and I smirk. She notices and glares pretending to be fixated on the wall behind me.

"Stop calling him weird guy, his names Sean...I think" she gets down and sits crossed legged on my bedroom carpet.

"Who cares? Stop avoiding my question." Kari rolls her eyes and sighs.

"I wasn't avoiding your question; I honestly have no idea why I gave him this address." She says shaking her head. I shrug my shoulders and get up from my bed. Slowly and carefully until I have Kari's eyes on me. I'm aware that I'm only in my boxers as I hear a sharp intake of breath. I chuckle quietly and quietly make my way to the bathroom.

"Want to come in with me Karbear." I ask in a husky voice. She looks at me with disgust and rolls her eyes.

"No thank you." She replies sarcastically. I walk up to her and watch as her deep green eyes widen. I could hear her loud gulp as I take her arm and pull her up. She comes stumbling into my arms and I'm surprised to find my own heart skip a beat. Her arms are warm as I hold her still, staring into her eyes. She shivers slightly and I bring her closer until there's no more space left between us. I bring my mouth close to her ear and bend my head to her neck. I breathe softly and notice that she's frozen in place. I smile and gently kiss her neck. She smells like strawberry ice cream and vanilla. My hands press harder onto her back as my nose inches up her throat and I whisper in her ear, "Next time, don't walk away..." and smirk up to meet her surprised eyes. I take a step back and walk into the bathroom.


Damnit! He got me! I think as I make my way home. I only live five minutes away from Avery's house. Outside the sun is shining, birds are singing and I'm feeling sticky from the ice cream. I feel embarrassed that Daniel had me frozen in place and I can't believe he kissed me! Well he didn't really kiss me, but still. My hand subconsciously goes to my neck and I touch the tender place he kissed. I stop myself from replaying his lips on my neck again and drop my hand so fast as if I had been burned. Ugh! I slap my forehead. I shouldn't have had ice cream yesterday! Now I will never be able to face Sean again. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo now. I can't exactly blame him since I probably did something stupid then passed out in his car. I sigh and make my way inside my house. My estate is huge, my feet echo in the large linoleum floors. Nobody is home besides me and the maid. The house consists of white walls and couches shaped as an "S" with huge marble tables and black and white plush pillows. My mother is off in Paris for the weekend and I have the whole place to myself. Sometimes it gets really lonely in here. I go upstairs and get ready to go to school. My hair is all over the place and looking really wild with strands in my face and makeup smeared on my cheeks. I wash it all off and take a quick shower since I had only twenty minutes to make it in time. After I'm done I put on some skinny jeans and black and white converse with a black off- the shoulder shirt. I put mousse in my hair and scrunch up my curls to make them look shiny and not out of control. Like that I leave the house and get inside of the car barely making it in time before the bell rings. I take my seat on the back row.

"Where were you?" Avery turns to me looking. I notice her hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing a light blue summer dress. My best friend was gorgeous, I was a little bit jealous at first since I thought she would leave me for the beautiful people but she stuck by my side. I grimaced and stuck my tongue out.

"Well I passed out inside some guys car and I gave him your house address before so he took me and Daniel had me sleep in his bed." I say remembering his warm breath on my neck as I stood helpless.

"You passed out!" Avery shouts, making half the classes turn. I glare at her and she looks at everyone.

"Oops! I meant you passed out?!" she whisper yelled. I shake my head guilty.

"Ha-ha umm... yeah this guy Sean gave me ice cream yesterday." Avery sighs, she knows there was no need to explain anything else.

"Kari! You know you're not supposed to eat sweets!" she scolds me quietly. I open my mouth to reply back but the teacher walks in and makes us be quiet. I stay quiet for the rest of the period.


I take Rachel's hand in mine and we quietly make our way through the darken gymnasium. I open the door to the locker rooms and grin. Rachel takes me by the neck and starts kissing me. I push her away slightly and she frowns.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"Err, nothing I just have to check for something in my locker. She nods her head and looks away. I take my chance and place my small camera on a tiny little whole by the wall. I turn on the camera and all I see is a red blinking light that means its recording. I smile at the eager girl and push her up against my chest. I placed my lips on her and kissed her hungrily. Imagining brown curly hair as I kissed her. Vanilla scent made its way through my nose and I inhaled deeply. I can see deep green eyes behind my closed eyelids.

"Mmm, you smell so good Karbear,,," I whisper into her ear. I eyes shoot open as I realize my mistake and Rachel pulls away shocked.

"WHAT?!" she screeches.

Uh-uh... I think

Well I uploaded really soon!!!!! Haha this is the earliest I've uploadedJ but anyways don't forget to VOTE!

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Love, Stephanie<3

Being The Player (Being #2) rough draft. Warning-Many spelling and grammar mistakesWhere stories live. Discover now