My sacrifice

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"Hello my friend we meet again, it's been awhile were should we begin" - My Sacrifice - Creed

It's almost night fall yet she still sat there alone. Not moving, just peacefully gazing at the Black Lake. When the wind blew its cold December breeze Hermione Granger shivered and embraced herself tightly. It's been awhile since she last been here, but it seems like nothing has changed; the place is still magical and outmost enthralling. She let her gaze wander for a couple more minutes before gracefully standing up. She walked towards the old oak tree and ran her finger through its rough body. She let out a wistful smile as memories of her not so distant childhood came into mind. She used to spend her lazy afternoons here with Harry and Ron, frolicking childishly. After a few minutes of reminiscing, she checked her watch and decided that it was time to leave. She quickly fastened her cloak and took her wand out of her pocket to dissapparate. She swished her wand but hastily stopped when something luminous caught her peripherals. She turned her gaze back to the water and felt her heart stop; "Fire flies" she gasped. Her whole body stiffened as painful recollection from her past started assaulting her in waves.

- Flashback -

She watched him as he silently stood near the lake; his shoulders slumped, his eyes fixed firmly on the still water.

"You're late" Draco turned to face her, his sad eyes, piercing through her heart.


"Don't...please don't say it Mi" he cut her off, his voice shaking with emotions.

Tears stung her eyes so she hastily averted her gaze.

He crossed the distance between them and hugged her tight, silently begging her to reconsider.

She kept her arms to her side, wordlessly letting him know that she hasn't changed her decision. With her heart breaking into millions of pieces, she moved her lips towards his ear, whispering the dreaded words that will surely break them apart.

His whole body stiffened, his arms slowly loosening its grip as every painful second passes.

- End of Flashback -

She touched her cheek and her fingers came back wet, "I'm okay - I should be okay, it's been years."

- Flashback -

She ran away so fast and didn't stop until she felt her legs give in. She grasped a branch of a tree to keep herself from toppling over. She clutched her hand to her chest willing her mind to somehow forget the way he fell down on his knees and begged for her to stay. Gut wrenching sobs escaped her lips as implacable tears continue to trail down her cheeks. It killed her to leave him as broken as she felt, but what other choice does she really have? They both know that they're only living in a borrowed time when they first started this. She shouldn't feel guilty for ripping the band aid long before its due, right?

- End of Flashback -

The emotions that she thought she buried a long time ago started resurfacing and she can't seem to make it stop this time. His memories and his promises came back in full force, slowly unravelling the truth that she forced herself to believe. She thought that she's already moved on from all this, but basing it from the way her heart reacted to the petty luminescent lights - she's clearly been fooling herself.

All these years, she kept questioning herself if she did the right thing. Her heart says that letting him go without a fight was a huge mistake. But her mind refuses to agree. It kept telling her that leaving him was the only solution, staying together would have cost them both their lives and she can't let that happen. Fresh batch of tears sprung from her eyes, making her vision blurry.

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