Chapter 3

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I was looking at myself in the mirror realizing how ugly I look. Like who would ever want me ...yes I get compliments but that doesn't change my heart on how I feel about myself. I was putting on a hoodie it rained a lot where we lived but also so nobody won't see my body. It's bad enough Tanya stank ass always has something to say about me I try so hard to ignore her but she's a bitch.

I walked downstairs to see Mr.Bassano talking on the phone but he told whoever was on the other line that he would have to call them back at a later time. He is such a nice dad ...wish mines turned out that way. I went to walk out the door for school but he stopped me.

"Goodmorning Jhene , did you want breakfast?" As he made his coffee

"Uh no no that's okay I'm not hungry" I said while grabbing my book bag

"Well you know since you live here now I want you to know that your are fam-" I cut him off

"Listen Mr.Bassano I won't be staying here for long I'm just a burden to everybody so please save the attempt to convince me...I'll find myself out before you know it" I made that clear and walked out before he could respond

I'm guessing Carter was just waking up but that wasn't my problem I simply walked to school because I didn't want to be driving with him and people get the idea that I'm sleeping around or something with Tanya's man so I saved myself the troubles and rumors. I made it to my first period which was Calculus ...*sigh* yes I'm in an honors Math and English but that doesn't mean shit to anybody around me but me. The day was going smoothly till I had to go to biology III the worst part of my day. I sat back as far as possible but I had an A in this class so paying attention was easy it's the other problems in class that get me distracted.

"Jhene!" Mr. Tyler said

"Yeah huh?!" I snapped out of my day dream

"Can you focus on the video and not off into space?" He said while turning his chair back around to face the screen

"Yeah sorry" I put my head down slightly till I heard Tanya say something to the other girls

"She was probably daydreaming about the next fat food to feed her big ass" They all began to laugh under their breath

I shut them out and as soon as the bell ringed I was the first one out the door booking down the hallway. I never used my locker and I always have my book bag with me. Lunch had came but after what happened to me last time I don't bother going anymore. I was walking passed people when I bumped into Carter...oh gosh I was trying to avoid him.

"Hey Jhene where did you go this morning?" He looked concerned

"I left early so I could walked to school" I told him while looking down

"I can just drive you to-" He went to say but then Tanya came over there and decided to cause a scene in front of everybody

"Carter! What are you doing with this pig??" She was beyond pissed

"Come on Tanya chill with the name calling" He said

"Um whose side are you on mines or hers?" She crossed her arms

"Listen Jhene I suggest you stay away from MY man and if you think that there is a chance in hell of anybody loving or liking you ...your mistaken. Seeing that your mother is dead and all" ......

I felt every ounce of my being be ripped apart from me and the tears just came unlike any other. I ran out of school since it was almost an hour before school ended....I don't think I'm going back anyway. I just kept walking to I eventually came to a stop I didn't know where I was but I was somewhere I shouldn't be. I heard someone call me and I turned around to see that it was some guy.

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