Part 3: Good parent, bad parent

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"Bye!" Harry happily shouts from the door before stepping outside the bakery.

He is carrying a white cupcake box, thinking Aisling will love the surprise he has. Niall probably won't be too impressed but then again, he has a soft spot for cupcakes too.

Harry has been working at the bakery for a while now and he absolutely loves his job. Although it doesn't pay that well and it's not his dream job, he still thinks it's one of the best ones he could have got without proper education. Besides, the hours are great, he reasons. It allows him to pick Aisling up which makes Niall's life much easier.

Harry whistles happily as he hops inside his car, putting the radio on. He is early, Aisling doesn't get off in another twenty minutes but he thinks it doesn't matter. He is often too early, sometimes a bit late too.

He decides to wait inside the school building, first standing in the lobby but when the bell rings, going towards Aisling's classroom. He sees her inside the room, deciding to wait in the hallway, watching her packing her bag.

He laughs when she finally notices him, shrieking and rushing towards him. She always gets happy to see him even though he picks her up every single day but still, she never fails to surprise him with her reaction.

"Hi Hazzy," she is clinging to his leg, giggling.

"Hi monkey. Did you have a good day?" Harry asks, stroking her curls.

"Yes! Can we go home now? I'm hungry," she whines.

"You're hungry? It's not dinnertime yet," Harry says and takes her hand in his, beginning to lead her outside the school building.

"I want snack," she informs.

"Okay," Harry says as he helps her inside the car. He remembers to put Backstreet Boys on, thinking they'll get to listen one song before they are home.

"Did you have fun in school?" Harry asks, beginning to listen Aisling explaining what they did. He listens carefully, thinking the little girl always seems happy about school, talking about it with her strong, Irish accent.

"Tomorrow we'll do pottery," Aisling sounds excited.

"Oh that'll be fun."

"I'll do something for you Hazzy!"

"You don't need to," Harry chuckles.

"I will you naughty boy."

"Okay then. Look, we're home," he is still chuckling, parking the car. He lifts Aisling outside, locking the car doors before leading her inside the house.

He thinks it's funny how casually he says they're home. Even though it's not his home, it certainly feels like one, he thinks. Lately, he's been spending most of his time around Niall's house, he even stays the night majority of time and half of his things are laying around the house. It's nice, he thinks, how slowly, but surely it has started to feel like the house is his home, too.

He gets lost in his thoughts, wondering how it would feel if he officially lived with Niall and Aisling. He blushes at the thought, deciding to push it away, thinking the thought isn't current. Him and Niall have never really discussed the topic and he thinks it might be too soon, anyway.

"Did you get any homework?" Harry asks as he is chopping some banana, making Aisling a bowl of yogurt with some fruits for snack.

"Yes, I have this," Aisling pulls out a maths book from her bag.

"Do you need help with that?" Harry hands over the bowl to her, asking if she wants anything to drink. She asks for juice and after giving it to her, he begins to make coffee.

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