Chapter 19

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It was 2 months later Everyone was going to school getting they shit together including me.

Prom was 3 days away and Tre still ain't asked me I mean I know we date in all but like damn. Everything in our realionship was just right, right now. He was getting better and better everyday.

" Soo his ass still aint asked to prom ?" Dai said with her big ole pregnant belly all out.

" Girl hell nawl. Can't believe his ass thinkin ima jus show up to prom without him asking. He got me bented" I laughed.

" I know that righttt guh"she said taking a bite of her ice cream " I mean Sav asked my big ole pregnant fat ass but I don't wanna go. I'm too big" she frowned.

" So shid who da gon say sum?? NO MUTHA FUCKIN BODY !! Wish a hoe would " I said acting like Dai. She laughed.

" Guh sit cho ass down " she said still cracking my ass up

Next day at lunch

We was all sitting at the lunch eating but Tre ass wasn't here. He been acting funny all day. Weird and shit.

" A.k Wassup why u quiet ?" Cj Asked me gettin close to me .

" Nun " I started at my food.

" HELL NAWL STUPID ASS LIL BOAA !! Dats all Tre don't play boaa Thirsty ass boaa " Sav yelled at Cj. Everybody laughed at his ass.

Cj smacked his lips " Boa stop fuckin playin with me."

" Boaa fuck you mean stop playin. You know you don't get no play play." Save said so serious. I couldn't help but laugh.

" Nigga I get pwussyyyyy " Cj said

" No yo ass don't " Everybody said at the table.

Cj smacked his lips " Mannn Fuck all y'all "  he said.

I was eating my pizza and everybody all of sudden Everybody got quiet. As I saw Dai & Tre walked in the lunch room & Dai had a belly shirt not letting us see what was on her belly. Tre had a dozen roses & a teddy bear bigger then him. I laughed watching him walk towards me.

Dai jumped in front of Tre letting me read what was written on her belly
" Will you be my date to the prom? And my porn star the rest of that night? - Tre"
I laughed hella hard.

They new my ass was gonna say yes
" Of course baby" I said running up kissing Tre on them big pink lips.

After school me and Tre were at the mall all day finding a stuff for prom & he was buying everything. I couldn't help but think my baby becoming a Man. I leaned on his shoulder as we ate Chinese at the food court.

" What's wrong ma?"
" Your becoming a man" I frowned really saying we're all grown up now.
He laughed at my slow ass.
" Ain't that what chu want ?" He laughed.
" yeah but point is we're all gettin old as fuck. I remember in 5th grade when you asked me to the valentines dance you said in front of the class " Roses are red violets are blue will be my valentines lil mama ?" Cutest shit I've ever heard." We laughed at the thought.

After we finished eating. We went and finished shopping.

5 days later Prom night.

It was finally prom night. Funny thing is if you would asked me if I was going to prom 8 months ago I would of told yo ass hell fuck ass nah. But look at my ass. I was to busy selling drugs tryna make big moves. Still am just have to do it somewhere else. I wanna do right for my shordy Kiera. Best thing that ever happened to me or my ass would be dead right now. I lost everything and she was there . Never stopped showing her loyalty to me.  But I was already dressed I was just waiting on Kiera to call and say she ready.

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