I'm home

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I can hear the multiple shots coming from the venue of Krystal's photo shoot even if I'm not there personally. Of course I cannot go lurking around her anywhere to avoid any rumors spreading out wild, I know how dangerous dating rumors were. It can break their careers to the point that no one is left for them, especially homosexual rumors that were considered taboo by Koreans and that's the worst.

"Done for the first part... where are you?" I smiled at the new message I received.

"Walking around the market. I want to cook you dinner" I stopped upon seeing mangoes, well Krystal loves mangoes and I'm sure she'll smile when she sees these later.

Spending time with her either physically or just through mobile or internet made me learn new things about her that I tattooed in my mind for further reference. One of which that was already out in the open is her love of mangoes. But the thing is, if she eats mangoes, its better if it's in a complete package like, mango juice, cake and fruit all at once. Weird right? But cute.

I thanked the old ahjumma who was smiling at me as she handed me the paper bag with about 2 kilos of mangoes inside and this is for our three – day stay here in Japan. She only have one schedule for today and it's also the last, so basically we have two days for ourselves.

"Dinner huh? Will it be in candlelight?" So the princess wants some romantic dinner eh?

It surprised me a bit learning this side of her. Well, I've always known her to be icy and cold, I didn't expect she has this cute, romantic side in hers.

"Whatever you prefer princess"

"Then I'll be waiting ;)"

I smiled for the nth time that day. Ever since we got off the plane and secretly went to our rooms at the same hotel, this smile never left my face... stupid eh? But I love it, who wouldn't?

Entering the music store I bumped in to a high school girl who upon looking at me, suddenly had her eyes turned dreamy, as if she knew me that well.

"Y – Yiyun oppa?" She said in a soft tone of amazement.

Oppa? Yiyun?

It took me few seconds to process what she just called me until she suddenly searched something inside her bag which was a pen and extended her arms towards me.

"I'm a very big fan of yours, I listen to your songs, I watch your shows and I ship you with Krystal unnie... Please sign my shirt and hands please?"

Wow. So she really thinks I'm Yiyun... I know how a fan like her feels when they meet their idol but I'm not Yiyun, it's just the... I don't know, genetic malfunction that made us look a lot alike?

"Omo! Yiyun is here!"

I heard another fan shout from the distance that made me shiver... How should I even handle this? If I run and escape from them, I'm sure Yiyun's reputation will be tarnished and it will do no good for f(x)... but I am not her and it will just fool her fans. What should I do?

I was listing the possible outcomes and decisions on my head when I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry girls, Yiyun have a meeting in 30 mins. We prepared signed cards for you so please excuse us"

The pair of hands dragged me to a closed van and he immediately locked the door. He turned around and I realized he was f(x)'s manager who was with Krystal on the plane.

"Aish... good thing you had your GPS on your phone it made finding you easier for us."

"T – thank you"

"Since you really do look like Yiyun, people will think you are her and will come to you anywhere. Japan is what one of Yiyun's largest fanbase so expect fans to spazz about the idea of her here. I've already talked to Yiyun about this matter and she already understood what to do. All I want for you is to stay on your hotel room, we wouldn't want any rumors spreading around."

I nodded my head continuously in full approval, damn my heart beat fast with that. I forgot how I use masks and shades while I'm in Korea maybe a reason why they didn't go all crazy at seeing me on the streets... stupid me.

"But for 6 years they didn't think I was Yiyun... how come that today they suddenly go frenzy?"

"Apparently your hairstyles are the same... Yiyun just got a haircut like yours"

"Oh..." I brushed my hair over my faux hawk styled hair and thought of another haircut.

"Stay at your room, I'll tell if Krystal's home though... I know you might know it earlier than me"

The staff that were together with the manager chuckled at my burning cheeks, I'm happy that somehow they support us and even tries to help us get through this. This is hard I know but it's okay, I'll do everything for Krystal, for my princess.

I changed plans and set up the dinner I was preparing for her inside my hotel room, I asked a staff to help me buy the stuff I need and here I am setting up the table and of course myself to look at my best when she arrives.

I can feel sweat forming on my hands as I watched the clock slowly approaching 7pm, 10 minutes more and I might hear the doorbell indicating she's already here. I walked around the house for how many times when I almost jumped to my feet hearing that 'ting' sound.

I took one last glance at my surprise set up and approached the knob, turning it with my trembling and sweaty hands.

I felt my world and time stopped when I saw a very beautiful, gorgeous, breath taking girl in front of me wearing a plain white dress that reached to her knees. She was smiling sweetly at me and I felt like fainting when she spoke

"I'm home"

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