Who's this Owner

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I was humming some random songs while I entered our house. This day is one of the best days of my life, I got to talk to Amber privately abd she stopped being really she around me. She even joked and teased for numerous times and even I developed the habit of hitting her, I somewhat saw it endearing.

"Wow" I jumped to my feet when Jessica unnie suddenly spoke from the kitchen. Her arms were crossed on her chest and she has one brow raising at me.

"H - hi. Unnie" I responded nervously, trying to look bored like I usually am after a whole day's work.

"So... how's your day?" She walked slowly around me, observing me from head to toe while nodding her head.

"Uh...I had a great time. I met with my members and we went to a great restaurant earlier"

"Restaurant huh? Mind to bring me there too?"

"Uh... Y - Yeah sure" This is the time when I'm certain that she knows something and I'm wondering wether I was seen by paparazzis with Amber or Luna just told her.

"Great. So... how's Yiyun?" Oh right. She'll interview me once again about YiYun.

Jessica unnie knows my feelings for her, even our parents. I cannot hide things from them especially those that were this sensitive so I always try to tell them what I feel. Luckily for me, they are all so accepting and understanding about my preference that I didn't need to create some drama inside the house.

The only problem is, Jessica unnie takes a really good time in observing me and Yiyun when we're together that made Yiyun quite scared by just here mere prescence. Sometimes YiYun would ask me why Jessica unnie seemed to want her skinned alive but I always shrug her off. I can't tell her that unnie was just being so protective of me because I love her.

"Not much... we just - " I jumped again when I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket. I immediately know who was calling and I can never let this pass. What's happening to me? I don't know.

Talking to Amber anonymously on twitter always makes my day unconsciously, I just realized that one week before she came to our concert. I saw her tweet her excitement about the event and started fangirling once again. I teased her about it and she just made me smile widely with all her praises.

And when she came there, face to face with me, I felt that attraction I never noticed before. I wanted to take a shot at this, she was single and it was because of me, because she can't find someone she's willing to give up her being a fansite to.

I want to act fast on this, not to play hard to get anymore. One because I really appreciate her efforts and two because I want to move on from my craziness to YiYun.

"Oh my Gosh unnie! I love you so much but I need to take this"

I dropped my bag on the floor and scurried off to my room. I banged and locked the door close while pressing the accept button.

"Hello?" I answered. Trying not so sound so giddy about the idea that I might be talking to the person who never left my mind.

"Krystal? Hi, this is me Amber" I jumped for I don't know how many times while jogging so fast in place. I was trying to surpress my giggles from escaping my mouth.

"H - hi how are you?" Tears almost slipped my eyes because of the mixed happiness and the giddy feeling overpowering my sane mind.

"I'm fine. I drove fast just to call you right away"

Oh gosh... this is heaven.

"R - really?"

"Yeap. I miss you already. Seeing my ultimate bias and having the chance to talk to her makes me lose my sanity."

"Oh stop that." I slapped the imaginary friend infront of me.

"Have you eaten already?"

"I can stand days without eating"

"Why? You need to eat something"

"Talking with you is enough" I want to feel sorry for my imaginary friend after being kicked by me this time but I can't help it.

I let myself fall down the bed, a smile widey drawn on my face as I hugged my pillow tighter.

"So what are you going to do tomorrow?" She asked. I heard some rumbling sounds on her line and I think she was just readying for bed.

"I don't have any shoot or activities tomorrow so I think I'll go grab some lunch at a famous cafe and restaurant?"

"Wow that shop is really lucky then"

"We are actually both lucky."

"Really? So if that shop owner asks you for a date... would she be lucky enough to get a yes from you?"

I punched the air and covered my face with both hands.

"I checked horoscope...and it said that the owner is not that lucky. Sorry"

"Aww.. can the owner negotiate?"

"Only if she buys me mangoes and Ice cream and let me stay in her house for a whole day while watching movies"

"Oh. The owner has her dvd's on queue right now"

"Wow that owner is really fast..."

"Of course because the owner is really into you"

"Stop that. I'm blushing"

"The owner is too... so will you give the owner your yes?"

"I always want to give her my yes"

We talked for another hour or so until she told me to take a rest for tomorrow. I love how concerned she was for me and I cannot even imagine that there is someone who was getting this close to my feeling for Yiyun.

"So the owner is lucky to get a yes from you huh?" Jessica unnie suddenly entered the door. Playing with the keys to my room in her hands.

"Tell me, who's this owner?"

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