I met her, Krystal Jung

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I pushed through the large crowd to somehow get in front of the line, this is like the biggest day in my life. For almost 5 years of being a fansite, I finally get to have the closest look and longer interaction with the first backstage pass of my ultimate bias, Krystal Jung.

I’ve been her fan the moment she debuted on stage 6 years ago, with her group f(x). They were a group of 5 consisting of Victoria, Sulli, Luna, Yiyun and Krystal. I love them all but Krystal caught my attention most. Her beautiful smile, captivating eyes, amazing curves and her skill in dancing, singing and acting made me want to follow her in every step she makes in the industry.

I remember how I aced all my exams and graduated with honors in one of the best universities in LA, only to be announcing to my parents that I’ll be going to Korea to work there and of course, become one of her fansites.

I put up a café and restaurant near SM Entertainment using all of the funds I saved from my part time jobs and some help coming from my parents. I made it with the inspiration from f(x) and some ballad singers which is always on the playlist of the café’s soundtrack.

After 6 months of operation it boomed and became one of the well-known café’s in the district. I gained more and more income until I can finally manage to buy DSLR cameras with different types of lenses to be able to reach my dream to become a fan site master.

I followed her group wherever they went, be it in the airport or overseas, even in the hotel I was there hoping to catch a glimpse of my idol.

Every snap of the camera, every move and look Krystal does completes me, I love doing this. I love being Krystal’s fan.

“Yah! What are you doing?” I was broken off from my thought when I accidentally stepped on another fans’ feet.

“Sorry” Quickly, I bowed and continued walking towards the front. It was my mistake to stay awake until wee hours and then only closing my eyes for minutes which turned to hours and now I’m late.

I really should’ve gone here earlier, it would definitely make my life easier. But still, even with this, I’ll do everything just to meet Krystal.

When I reached the front row and showed the guard my VIP card and tickets, he let me pass directing me to another queuing line. There were only around two of us there and all of them are girls bringing posters and CD’s for the members to sign.

Me? I brought the photobooks of every member of the group, I plan to have them all signed and probably get a picture with every idol especially with Krystal. I even brought mangoes and bread with me, thinking that it would make her notice me and never forget my name.

“Name please?” The guard on the door asked while holding a pen and a sticker.

“Amber Liu”

The guard wrote my name on the sticker and asked me to stick it on the right side of my shirt always. I nodded excitedly and entered the backstage.

There I saw the staff busily preparing the set for the concert, some were eating, some discussing about the plans and some were fixing the idol’s clothes on the clothesline.

“Hi, are you a VIP ticket holder?” A staff approached me smiling.

“Yes, I um… looking for the meet and greet room?”

“Come, I’ll follow you to their dressing room”

Dressing Room?

I almost skipped in joy as I walked behind her, hugging the paper bag where my gifts and stuff were.

She opened the know of the door and upon entering I almost cried when I saw them in person, the five members of f(x) were right in front of me, smiling and waving at the same time. Since my brain seemed to have short circuited and broke down, I bowed lower than 90 degrees and introduced myself in a lightning’s speed manner.

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