Chapter 11: Resolve X Faith

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Disclaimer!: I DO NOT OWN ONE PIECE! I own my OC(s), and that's just it, we are on a fanfiction site/ story site.

Time for the chapter!

Chapter 11: ResolveXFaith


~ Look, look! You can see everything from up here! Is this what you usually see? ~


[ Location: Donquixote HQ/Base, North Blue ; July 10th.; Morning -- Astrid: 12 years old ]

"Law, would it kill you to stop giving me the cold shoulder?" I looked up from my book as he quietly worked on his new medicines.

He didn't stop grinding the herbs, nor did he look up from what he was working on either.

This may have started three days ago, but now it feels like an eternity. My little brother doesn't hate me, that is certain, but he most certainly is disappointed in me.

Which might be worse.

I'll have to digress a little bit for a better understanding on how things came to this.

After the little run in with Corazon-san, well....he ended up popping up a lot more frequently than all the other Donpepote Pirates.

I guess that Mingo ended up hearing about the little run in, Law's horror, and now. NOW. Is using his brother as a means to have us get closer to his family.

It's not working per say, I just talk a little bit with Corazon-san, and then I leave after hearing someone coming around the corner. Or I get a sense that someone is coming nearer....or when I feel like something is gonna happen.

I don't understand it, but I'm rolling with it.

Law, well, is concerned. It's getting to the point where he wants to stand close by just to ensure there is no funny business. Law talked to me about how his first impression of Corazon-san was him flying through the estate because Corazon-san kicked him. Well....kicked him multiple times over the course of multiple days.

Some things don't change...some things don't stray from canon. Cannon. Canon.

My darling little brother has talked about getting vengeance against the man, and tells me to not let my guard down around, and I quote, 'that shitty adult with the heart motif'. Then, the sweetheart went down on a tangent about all he plans to do against the man (poor guy, who has Law's ire), and that I shouldn't call him Corazon-san.

Just call him '@#!$%#@!' and '&@#!$?@!#$*@!*#$@' and also, the ever so lovely.......

'$#@^%#$@%!#**@#%@$!^*@#!%%%!%^^@#' and even, my favorite, 'piece of shit of a human being'.

I question how Law heard such interesting insults, and even intriguing curse words that even I've never heard of before, but I am a firm believer that I shouldn't hold that knowledge of how he came across them in the first place.

He'd either tell me if I asked, or deflect the question, that adorable little sponge that is absorbing knowledge right and left.

Damn, Mingo is a good teacher, very bad influence, though. I'm that same way though, I can't claim innocence either. I taught Law a lot of the basics in different topics that I thought he would need, and he just rolled in it. Excelled in it. Fucking thriving and having Mingo run in circles around him.

(Sniffle), he's growing up so fast.


[Cough, cough] I just went down a tangent. WHOOPS.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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