Chapter 6: That One Training Montage No One Asked For

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Disclaimer!: I DO NOT OWN ONE PIECE! I own my OC(s), and that's just it, we are on a fanfiction site/ story site.

Time for the chapter!

Chapter 6: That One Training Montage No One Asked For


~ Well......I guess this is our cue to start running.......~


[ Location: East Blue; On the Seas; Astrid: 7.5 years old ]

"Wait, are we going to Paradise?!" Astrid grinned as she looked up to her Father and Uncles.

Shanks, being Shanks, patted her head, and messed with her hair as he yelled out an affirmative.

They were going to Paradise, and along the way...

Along our way.....

Along their way.....

Some things happen here and there and well, everywhere really!

All at once.

Which wasn't a good thing?

In all honesty, it depends on who you ask.


[Location: Passing Reverse Mountain, Crocus' Island; On the Seas; Astrid: 7.75 years old]


Astrid had nearly tripped over herself, with her father right behind her as well as other members of the crew as they made their way to the small island that the man resided in, and, well, on.

He was laying on his designated chair, merry and content as can be as he smiled wide to his lovely granddaughter.

Crocus eyed the members of Shanks' crew, only to let out a huff of 'course he would visit with his own crew, and bring her along for the wide-highly-dangerous-and-much-more-to-be-seen-wild-ride that is a pirate crew' as he picked up Astrid and placed her on his shoulders.

Shanks hugged the man, while Astrid just hugged the backside of his head, (although the both of them were not gentle, by no means). Crocus was soon left gasping for air, with half of the group of onlookers looking mighty concerned for the older man, while the rest of them just chuckled softly.

The man in question just gave the young crew a look, and waved them off.

He was already used to the father-daughter duo's antics, reminding him of days before...

As well as reminding him of all the crazy training regimens that Astrid would create in order to get stronger.

Shanks, although a tough, mighty, and fierce fighter, a man that could go toe-to-toe with the Strongest Swordsman in the World (even though he hasn't met him yet), Shanks..... had...well, he has a tendency to not go too far in Astrid's training.

(He doesn't want to hurt her, unintentionally or intentionally, he wouldn't be able to live with isn't until after that happens that he learns that he has to make tough decisions to keep all of them safe, even from himself...)

He holds back at times, he can't help it, even when Astrid proves time and time again that she can handle a good thunk to the noggin', some scrapes and bruises here and there, as well as a lost tooth that suddenly grows back with drinking milk!

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