Chapter 5: New Uncles (And Other Things)

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Disclaimer!: I DO NOT OWN ONE PIECE! I own my OC(s), and that's just it, we are on a fanfiction site/ story site.

Time for the chapter!

Chapter 5: New Uncles (And Other Things)


~ I won't tell you shit! NOW FUCK OFF! ~


[ Location: North Blue; On the Seas; Astrid: 5 years old ]


From the heavens, the News Coo made its presence known as the father and daughter duo were doing their best, in their little boat, in the middle of the North Blue.

Once parting ways with Buggy after the execution, each cabin boy having the resolve to make their own crews, to sail the treacherous seas, to make a name that would be known far and wide.

A small detail on why Astrid stayed with Shanks, and how she was allowed to be the new cabin-girl (apprentice?) (mascot) had to be known, before we continued on.


[ Location: New World; On the Seas; An Important Meeting in the Past; Astrid: 2 years old]

"Shanks, you need to know the truth about our adorable little girl." Roger started out, inside the room was Rayleigh, Gaban, Crocus, and Shanks himself, in the Captain's Quarters.

Shanks had been called in when Buggy and the good remainder of the crew was asleep, no one in sight on the deck, and the night-watch high above in the crows nest.

A good time for a secret meeting, and revelations to be made to all who could hear it.

"You remember Ryuzaki Tenka, yes?" Roger continued.

"I remember ol' man Ryuzaki, he was part of the crew from the beginning, his moniker being Black Dragon of the East. We threw a huge party for him as he was leaving somewhere, and then looking at the paper to see that he died in Marine custody....What does he have to do with Astrid?"

Gaban looked to the side, scratching the back of his neck as Rayleigh continued off where Roger left off, as he looked to the floor.

Rayleigh looked at the young lad.

"Ryuzaki Tenka was the 12th Child to be sent here, and Astrid is the 13th Child, and he....", Rayleigh was about to continue when Shanks stopped him.

"Wait, you mean to say that.... the legends...the rumors...the scary stories people would say on one island to another about these 'Childe's' are true? Are they both from outer space?" To all who could see, Shanks was thinking very hard on the matter.

As the stories of the Childs' were often thought of as stories that mothers would say to their children as a means to make them behave...

"Well....not exactly Shanks. They are both born here, but their minds...their souls...are from somewhere else. How he explained it was..well, it's an alternate reality, a different plane of existence that they were originally from. She'll fully regain her memory from her previous life, according to Ryuzaki, at around the age of 10, give or take."

Shanks had a look of realization, "did old man Ryuzaki send her to us?" He was a bit shocked, as Ryuzaki Tenka had made a lasting impression on the boy, just like their mighty Captain did.

"He didn't send her to us, he gave us the general location to find her before the Marines could get their slimy mites on her", Crocus chimed in.

"Oh...then it was a matter of time that we would find her basket?" Shanks pondered.

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