"Pretty nice words before dying."

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We ran until we were exhausted. Rachel steered us away from traps, but we had no destination in mind—only away from that dark mountain and the roar of Kronos.

We stopped in a tunnel of wet white rock, like part of a natural cave. I couldn't hear anything behind us, but I didn't feel any safer.

"I can't go any farther," Rachel gasped, hugging her chest.

Annabeth had been crying the entire time we'd been running. Now she collapsed and put her head between her knees. Her sobs echoed in the tunnel.

Nico and Percy sat next to each other. He dropped his sword next to Percy's and took a shaky breath.

"What did you do this time, Perseus?" I yelled at him.

He was breathing heavily, eyes widening with my accusation. "What did I do?"

"Yes! Of course you had to get inside there and get their attention!"

"I had to check on what they were doing!" "Couldn't hold your curiosity?"

"What is your problem now?" He stood up, making me step back a little and look up so I could see his face.

"My problem?" I breathed out a laugh. "You wanna know what my problem is, Perseus? It's you! It's fucking you!"

That was a shocking accusation, I know. The silence was so loud that Annabeth's sobs ringed in my ears while Percy stared at me.

"Guys—" Rachel started but I cut her.

"You always have to risk yourself, right? Always be the hero. If Rachel hadn't thrown the damn brush at Luke? If we didn't get there on time? You really think that you could kill him that easily?" I stomped my foot on the floor, pink mist glowing like I just stepped in a pink puddle of dust. "Have you ever thought about what could happen if you die, Perseus? About your family and, and your friends." I moved my arm pointing quickly at the three seated on the floor.

"Yes, Maria, I have. I think about it every fucking day, but what can I do about it? Huh?" I could see his eyes darkening, an ocean in the middle of a storm. "I know what I'm doing, I don't need you telling me around!"

"Doesn't look like it!" I said.

"Why do you care so much if I die or not? What would be the difference for you?"

I looked at him quietly, without knowing what to answer. He stepped closer, my head moving up and his head hanging down so I could still meet his eyes.

"You don't need to worry about me, Maria." He said quietly, shaking his head. "I won't be a problem to you anymore."

My pulse started to beat faster, lips trembling a little. I inhaled, swallowing the lump on my throat.

"Good. Because you're a pain in the ass."

I got away from him, going to sit near Annabeth.

Percy clenched his fist tightly, as if trying to control his anger, he turned around and sat down next to Nico again.

After some minutes in silence, I caressed Annabeth's back, trying to console the girl.

Can't Percy just see that sometimes we don't need to do something? I hate to be worried about him, to feel this heaviness in my heart every time he goes to be the hero. Sometimes the hero doesn't come back, and I fear that.

"That sucked," Nico said, which I thought summed things up pretty well.

"You saved our lives," Percy said mumbled, his voice low.

{1} Princess - P. Jackson 🔱Where stories live. Discover now