"In what way do you mean that?"

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How could she always be singing around? If someone saw her before knowing her, they would think she's the daughter of Apollo. Being all blonde and warming to others, that could lead some people to be confused.

But not much. I have to admit she looked breathtaking. She has this bright smile with dimples, freckles all over her face. The confidence radiating from the way she walks. Where she steps there's people falling for her. The way she sweet talks you could lead you to madness. Her courage, the way she handles her mist like she doesn't make any effort.

Yeah, but that doesn't make her annoying side less. When she gives you that playful smile it's because she's about to get on your nerves. I don't think that she thinks before talking. Always calling me by my name, pinching my back when she thinks I'm doing something wrong. Which I don't, just for the record. She just likes to really get on my nerves, being stubborn and short tempered with some specific things.

"Percy, are you ready? You're going to be late for school." I heard my mother yelling from the kitchen, pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm coming," I yelled back.

I looked around my room, I had cleaned it not long ago but it was already messy. The bed was unmade with piles of clothes on the floor near it. My skateboard was in the middle of the room waiting for its next victim to step and fall. I itched my head, taking a last look at the pictures I had on my wall and stepped out of the room.

"I still don't know how you didn't get a warning about your tie," My mom smiled and came in my direction, fixing it for me.

"It suffocates me, I don't like it." I said.

I actually don't like the whole idea of having to wear an uniform, but at least I don't have to be choosing what to wear everyday. Aside from Maria, who threw a tantrum about it.

I gave my mom a kiss on her forehead, wishing her a good day and went out.

As I stepped down the stairs of my apartment, I saw Maria standing by the door. She had her arms crossed, trying to protect herself from the cold. Her body was moving from side to side while she mumbled something.

"So don't go to sleep, don't rest your head," I stopped beside her, looking down as she smiled and kept singing. "I'll be the pillow and I'll be the bed." She looked up at me and brought her hand near her mouth, like she was holding a microphone. "Holding your dreams as you lie to rest,"

Evangeline. Remember when I said that she wouldn't stop singing? This song is on her top list, always this song.

"Why do you like it so much?" I asked, starting to walk through the streets.

"Because it's beautiful and perfect for a slow dance?" She narrowed her eyes like I was stupid. "Like, have you ever paid attention to the lyrics? Imagine singing this to your loved one or, or someone singing it to you." Her eyes sparkled just from the thought.

It's amazing how in the middle of a difficult life all she could think about is that.

"Whatever," I mumbled, seeing from the corner of my eyes her rolling hers.

"Have you talked to Annabeth?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Have you noticed how happy she is? Gabriel may be the happiest thing that could have ever happened to her."

This is actually true, last time we Iris-messaged each other she told me he visited her during a weekend.

"I bet they'll start dating by next month," I stood behind Maria as we crossed the street. The sun was hiding in between the clouds, making it feel colder today. People passed by us with coffee on their hands, muttering that they were late or how ridiculous it was to have to work in this cold. I understand you, friend. It should be prohibited to get out of the bed during winter.

{1} Princess - P. Jackson 🔱Where stories live. Discover now