"Francis, the shark."

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I didn't want to have to talk to Percy, but when he showed up by my window on a random Thursday night, I felt obligated to.

I was lying face down on my bed, papers scattered on top of the mattress and my colorful pens beside me. The thing I like about my room is that my bed is located under the window, it is the same height as the mattress so whenever I can, I lay half my body out of the window into the fire escapes to watch the sky.

'The Color Violet' by Tory Lanez played through the speakers of my radio. The lamp in the form of a flower my Aunt had given me once, was turned on by the white small six-square shelf at the foot of my bed, reflecting on the light pink body mirror I had beside the wardrobe that faced the wall of my bed. My dressing table was messed with makeup, jewelry and my sewing kit. Next to this was the mannequin I used to measure the clothes I made. I mumbled to the song when I heard a knock on the window. Looking up I saw Percy with a tired expression on his face.

I sat up and opened the window for him. He sat resting his back on the frame of the window and his legs stretched out on the iron floor of the fire escape. "What?" I frowned.

He blinked and looked down at my papers. "Mind if I borrow your homework?"

I scoffed, sitting down with crossed legs. "You disappear in the middle of the school day and now asks me for the homework? I should say no."

"Come on, I'm tired, Princess." He passed his hands on his face.

"I noticed, Waterboy." I stood up and crunched down, pulling his backpack from under the bed. I handed it to him, sitting in front of him once again. "Next time take your bag with you."

"Thanks," He got it and put it on his lap. "Where were you anyway?" I asked.

"Uh..." "Nevermind." I shook my head.

Sighing, I gathered some papers and put them inside the folder I used, handing it to him. "It's all for today, the rest are just some notes for the test, do you want them?"

"No, it's fine." He got the folder from my hands and opened, staring at my handwriting. "If it's hard to understand you'll have to do it by yourself." I said and he shook his head.

"I'll see what I can do," He closed and put inside his bag.

"You can go now," I looked at him quickly then started to gather my pens, putting them inside the case.

"I saw Clarisse," He itched the back of his head, "By the side of the school. I didn't have time to let you know, sorry. She needed help, you know."

"Okay," I nodded my head. We stayed in silence for a while, the song had already ended, giving way to 'The Weekend' by 88rising and BIBI.

"Okay? Only a short answer?" I felt his gaze following me as I started to clean my room. "You were the one answering me shortly. Do you want me to say something specific?"

"I don't know, you just always have an answer to give... It's kinda strange that you don't have one."

"Perseus," I turned to look at him. "Goodbye, go home. Get out." I pointed to the window.

"I just went to help Clarisse get her chariot back," He started to say. "Perseus, it's none of my business. I don't need and I don't want to know. You don't need to explain yourself."

"I'm—I'm not explaining myself." "You sure?" I raised an eyebrow at the boy. He tapped the tip of his finger on the floor, pressing his tongue against his cheek as he looked away.

"I'll give the paper to you tomorrow morning. Thank you." Then he stood up, ready to go. "Don't get it crumpled or I'll kill you." I said putting my head out of the window. "That took me the whole day to do."

{1} Princess - P. Jackson 🔱Where stories live. Discover now