Chapter 74 - Honoured

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Esme's POV 

4 weeks have flown by!

As I watched Reggie toddle about the living room, his tiny legs carrying him with my remote for the TV, I couldn't help but smile. His first birthday had been an unforgettable celebration, filled with laughter and joy and so much sugar I don't know who was worse...Jaxon or the children of the pack. Now, at thirteen months, he is a curious and energetic little boy, exploring his surroundings with a hint of trouble coming our way. Pulling things off the sofa while staring you directly in the eye...yep, that's my son for you, or pulling your hair when you have just gone for a cuddle...

As I chased after him, I noticed his newfound mobility had made our lives a tad more chaotic. He had discovered the art of putting the latch on the front doors, so when someone wants to walk in they don't get very far but it always makes them laugh because they know how children can be, all of this leading to unexpected bathroom excursions and kitchen escapades. But despite the occasional mess, I couldn't deny the thrill of witnessing his little energetic independence.

Today was a special day, one that had been marked on my calendar for weeks. Naomi, my best friend here and also my soon-to-be sister-in-law, was getting married in just a few short weeks and when I say a short few weeks I mean next saturday...8 days away! As her maid of honour, I had the honour of planning her bridal shower and then all of her appointments for at least the day before.

I had spent countless hours pouring over Pinterest and bridal magazines, searching for the perfect ideas. The venue was a garden, filled with twinkling lights and flowing ribbons on the backs of chairs which have white seat coverings over them and then the arch that they will be standing under is filled with daisies and tulips which are Naomi's favourite. The menu consisted of delicate finger sandwiches, cupcakes, party foods and good old fashioned Brownies which will be made by me and my mother-in-law on the Friday after we have gotten everything finished with steaming her dress, my dress and Jacob's suit because once again, he is walking her down the Aisle and he couldn't be happier, and a refreshing fruit punch suitable for the kids as well.

As the guests began to arrive to help finishing all the major decorations to the pack hall where no one will be entering until the party is started and that is including my son and daughter too... I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. My brother has fallen so deeply in love and that is all I ever wanted for him, to feel loved and Naomi has shown him over and over again that she loves him! She looked absolutely radiant in her flowing white dress when she tried it on yesterday and I will say, I think I even cried a little, her eyes sparkling with excitement and nerves I can tell but she is so ready to be Mrs. West. The bridal shower was filled with laughter, heartfelt toasts, and plenty of embarrassing childhood stories.

As the afternoon drew to a close, I gathered the guests around for a special surprise. I had secretly hired a photographer to capture the moment of her bridal shower and her gifts she received for the before, and as I handed Naomi the album, which is blank for now but personalised with 'Mr and Mrs West - Married 22 June 2019' she gasped in delight which the photographer caught secretly.

"Esme" she says while coming over and cuddling me tight, then carrying on "Thank you, this is absolutely beautiful! I am so grateful to have you here with me" Naomi whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "This is the most thoughtful gift I've ever received."

"Your very welcome" I say then add on the "Thank my father. Or Katherine if you must, she sent me so many things that I could get you and she has been helping out as well" I say pointing to my step mom who is stood with Robyn in the back.

As the guests departed, went home or to their rooms, I couldn't help but reflect on the special day. It had been a celebration not only of Naomi's upcoming marriage but also of life she will begin shortly, a new chapter that I will be apart of with my brother like he was at mine and I can't wait"

"Hey Es" Finley says as I am about to head to my room.

"Yeah? How was guys day as you called it?" I ask while laughing. It was a mix of a hunting thing and beers but not too many people apparently non of them can drink as good anymore. Pfft...At least I won't be rolling my husband over to be sick tonight so that's a bonus.

"Do you think Jaxon..." he pauses and takes a deep breath.

"Never mind" he says.

"No go on. Do I think Jaxon will?"

"Be my best man. I have Hunter and Dad as well as Charlie but I want Jaxon as my main best man?"

I smile at my brother who has come on heaps and bounds but is scared to take a step in this department to ask Jaxon this question. I can't answer for Jax but I can only encourage him to do it.

"Finns...Jax is his own man, I won't decide anything for him so you have to pull your big boy pants and ask him. He should be in our room and I can only assume you want to do it without me been in the room?"

"No!" He says so suddenly making me laugh again.

"Okay, come on lets go. And stop worrying will you" I say putting my arm through his. It's crazy to think that with Finley's build and tallness he could be shy and worried. Granted the person he is asking is his Alpha but he is only his Alpha during the day when they are working. Come to think of it I haven't even seen my husband today with how busy it has been.

"Baby?" I call out in our room who comes out of the bathroom in a towel low enough to see the dip to where I love the most..." Head out the gutter have a task to do.

"Shit. Bro...I don't need to see that" Finley says making me and Jaxon burst into laughter.

"Your sister loves it" he says while winking but now isn't the time to be thinking of sex it was a time my brother needed to ask him something. "Baby...Finley needs to talk to you but not dressed like this" I laugh patting her chest and heading to my now crying baby girl. Once Jaxon is dressed he turns to Finley, letting him know he's dressed and can turn around.

"What's up?" Jax asks looking concerned. "It's nothing bad...but I was hoping to ask you if you would be my best man at my wedding" Finley says keeping eye contact the whole time. Proud of him.

"I would be absolutely honoured. Thank you very much man" Jax says shaking his hand. I love how easily we fit in here, it's been a blessing in the worst of times when we both needed an eye opener into a new life. My brothers new life is starting with his new wife soon and I am so happy for him! It won't be long until the birth of the son will be happening and I am so excited!

Rejected by one Alpha, Loved by anotherKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat