Chapter 68 - Finding a balance

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Third person POV

As my dad pulled away from the hospital, Esme couldn't shake the oppressive feeling that had haunted her since her release. Despite assuring the doctors that she would adhere to her medication and rest, a nagging unease lingered in her mind. The relentless torment and abuse she had endured throughout her life had left an unyielding scar, and this latest setback only deepened her.

Jaxon, her devoted husband, held her hand tightly as they made their way home. His gentle touch and unwavering support were a beacon of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume her. Yet, as they entered their pack, Esme couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She knew that she didn't deserve his love and kindness.

'Esme, baby, are you okay?' Jaxon asked, his voice laced with concern. 'You've been so quiet.'

Esme forced a smile, not wanting to burden him with her worries. 'I'm just a little tired, my love. I'll be fine.'

But her words rang hollow even to her own ears. The truth was, she was terrified. What if she couldn't control her episodes anymore and bursts into fits of anger and tears? What if she lost the one person who truly cared for her?

As they sat in silence, Esme's mind raced. She couldn't bear the thought of Jaxon witnessing the horrors that plagued her mind right now. He deserved so much better than a broken woman like her.

"Jaxon," she whispered, her voice trembling, Jaxon whips his head to her waiting for her to reply. 'I don't deserve you. It's hard work being with someone like me" she said with tears streaming down her face. All she wants is a break, top live her life with peace and a sense of happiness but will she ever get that?

Jaxon's eyes widened in surprise. "What are you talking about, Esme? I love you more than anything in the world you silly woman, come here"

Esme shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "But I'm not good for you. I'm damaged. I'll only drag you down." she said as she carried her energy over to him and hugged him.

Jaxon leaned forward and gently wiped away her tears. "Esme, you're not damaged. You're a survivor. You've endured more than most people could ever imagine, and you've come out stronger on the other side. I'm so proud of you."

Esme's heart swelled with both love and guilt. She knew that Jaxon was right, but it was so hard to believe it herself.

"I don't know what the future holds," she said softly. "And we will face it all together. Everything will work out just the way it is suppose to okay! Stop with these thoughts. It won't help you recover if you keep thinking them" He said softly but firmly to her.
Jaxon smiled and kissed her tenderly. just to show her that he is right and she needs to listen to him.

pulling up at the pack house, they both exit the car with many of their people hovering about. Esme didn't want to be rude but she also didn't wan to stand around and talk so one look from me, my father told them all to give her some space so she can settle in at home and to see her babies.

"Come on. Lets get you in the bath and In some comfy clothes baby and then me you, Reggie and Delilah will watch cartoon all night with pizza. How's that sound?" Jaxon says as he guides her through their wide hallways.

"Sounds good" she said with a small smile. He could tell that Esme wasn't feeling settled but he had to trust her that she would go to him if it got too much but surprisingly she didn't, she leant up on her toes and kissed him softly on the cheek as a reminder that she can sense his unease. She didn't want him to feel that way but if anything's going to work out the way she needed it too then she had to try herself and the only way she could do that was to causally move along the busy road and pray that she begins her life now.

As the sun began to set in the horizon, which casted a warm glow over the fields and woods, Esme felt a glimmer a little more relaxed. She had been through hell and back, but she was not alone. With Jaxon's unwavering love and support, she knew that she could overcome any obstacle that lay ahead. As the children slept in their room and with Esme and Jaxon relaxing on the balcony with a cup of tea and some brownies that Robyn made, she began smiling. Just smiling but she didn't have any explanations for it. Instead she stood up, looked at her husband and walked into the room holding his hand. Stripping to her underwear, the bruise's on her body not healed but they will once Alana gets her strength back she presses soft, sweet kisses to Jaxon's neck, then stood on her tip toes and kissed his cheek and the side of his neck near his ear.

His weak spot.

"Careful Princess. Your playing dirty here" he said as he stood still, His hands in his jeans waiting for her reply.

"Good. I love getting a little dirty Mr. Hayes" she said in her sexy voice which he missed so much off while she wasn't here.

After thinking it through, Jaxon pulled his shirt off and tossed it to the floor then picked his wife up off the floor and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. His mouth running along all parts of her showing her how much she meant to him, allowing her to get all the noise she wanted out with their bedroom being sound proof. Her moans filled the room, which were soon drowned out by his mouth on hers.

"Oh fuck. Jaxon baby..." was all she said and somehow he knew. He knew what she wanted and needed so he gave it to her. He gave her all of him. 

Finding Esme alive was the best thing he ever wished for when she went missing. He didn't know what he would have done if she had died at the hands of Adeline. That was her goal wasn't it? she wanted to kill her, she wanted the power she knew she couldn't have but her plan went to shit when she realised the wolfs Bain that she was injecting to Esme wasn't working so she had to stipulate to torture again. the torture Esme finally got out of her mind or at least close to the back of her mind. She was just starting to live her life and this has and will probably be a set back once again. Finding Adeline is the only thing that will make me happy...I can't think of how she could be so cruel...ruthless and vindictive all at the same time as acting Naïve. Pretending she didn't know where Esme was. I fucking believed her! 

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