Chapter 72 - 6 Months Later

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Esme's POV 

It's been 6 months since I came back home after being kidnapped by Adeline and her fellow followers, but they was captured when my husband set out every day to get her. It made my heart feel so much lighter when he came home and a few days later admitted that she was sentenced to death and 4 months since we welcomed my beautiful niece, Nadia, into the world. She was born in the season of winter, and she truly embodies the spirit of hope. that is why they named her Nadia because it represents the symbol of Hope. She weighed 6lbs 6oz and was absolutely beautiful, with a head full of dark hair and the most captivating blue eyes just like Naomi's, but she has her fathers loud mouth. Yes she cries a lot and we spend a lot of time walking around the pack lands with her but she is absolutely amazing.

From the moment she entered the world, Nadia has been a bundle of energy, constantly crying and pinching with her sharp nails. But despite the sleepless nights and the endless diaper changes they do, I couldn't be more excited for my brother, and they have now set a date for the wedding which will be held next week at our pack grounds and I am also maid of honour just like she was at our wedding but the fact is...I gave her months to prepare...she has given me 2 weeks. I will say it again because I can't stop saying it, I am so proud of how they are adjusting to their new life of four.

The day Nadia was born was a whirlwind of emotions. I remember standing by Naomi's side, holding her hand as she pushed through the pain. Finley was by her other side, his face a mixture of fear and excitement as he watched his daughter being born. When the midwife finally placed Nadia in Naomi's arms, the room was filled with a sense of wonder and joy. I knew I needed to leave and let them do their own thing, be in their little happy bubble of joy.

As the weeks went by, we all took turns helping out with the new baby. They were grateful for the support, and we were more than happy to lend a hand. We took turns rocking baby girl to sleep, changing her diapers, and feeding her. It was a time of bonding and love, and I felt closer to my family than ever before.

In addition to the joy of Nadia's birth, we also had another beautiful event to start the season of spring off. Our pack, a close-knit group of friends and family, held a fundraising gala to help families who needed extra support. Robyn, being the amazing woman she is, took charge of organizing the event with me and helped me plan foods for the caterers to handle, decorations that the men handled and many other tasks that I could put people and and everyone was excited to help out. Even the teenagers. She worked tirelessly to ensure that everything ran smoothly, and her efforts paid of because we raised over $4,300 from local packs that visited and helped out which was a lot considering some people put in hefty donations.

The gala was a huge success, raising thousands of dollars and all of this was for families in need. We were all proud of each other for the work that had been done and the contributions that made most of our donations sky high, and we knew that the money raised would make a real difference in people's lives. It was a testament to the power of community and the importance of coming together to help one another.

It is soon going to be mine and Jaxon's first wedding anniversary and I couldn't wait, I came off the pill a few days ago after we spoke about trying for another baby in the near future and we have to give it time to work before we begin having sex again but goodness, I don't think I have ever been more hornier when he walks out of the shower than I have these last few weeks. He teases me like no tomorrow I swear.

I spend a lot of my time now sitting with my own children, Reggie is up and walking a lot now so we are always on a mad dash to catch up to him which he finds hilarious and Delilah is crawling so she follows him everywhere and I just hope they have a close relationship with each other the same way me and Finley did when we was growing up.

I would sit with her for hours before she crawls away though, watching as she explored the world around her and the toys we got her but she isn't interested in because she prefers my phone or the TV buttons...Classic child behaviour Robyn says. She would coo and babble, reaching out to touch everything she could. I would read her stories and sing her songs, and she would listen intently, her eyes wide with wonder before pinching mine or Jaxon's faces with her chubby cute little fingers.

"Hey beautiful" Jaxon says. I have been to caught up in my own little world while chilling in the bath I didn't even hear him come in. He has been quite busy with work lately and other packs that when I have seen him, bless him, he is extremely shattered but it never bothers me, we make time for each other and relax together.

"Hey handsome" I say back while giving him my sweetest smile.

"What do you get out that bath and come to me in bed" He said with such a low masculine voice it sends shivers down my spine, I am quick to get out of the bath and follow him to our bed. The be

d that now makes me feel safe and happy, it took a while and I attend therapy every 2 weeks but the night mares have slowly disappeared, which they say is good and Jax has been a massive support to me as well.

I jump out of the bath and dry my feet off while wrapping my towel around me to enter our room in only to find my husband naked and standing right in front of me. His erection extremely big and my mouth watering drastically. I look up at him and before he can do anything I get down on my knees and I take him all in, giving him no room for arguments either.

"Fuck...Baby..." he says as he holds my hair in a firm grip but not too hard.

"You like?" I ask while keeping my eyes on him. He is extremely big so I'm not surprised that my eyes water a little. His thumb runs over the tears though but I carry on as if it doesn't bother me.

"Shit...fuck...Es, I'm going to come baby" he said and probably expecting me to stand up but I don't I keep going, licking and sucking and giving him a whirlwind of a good orgasm which explodes down the back of my throat.

I stand up and he kisses me so fiercely before throwing me on the bed and hovering over me ready for another round on himself.

"Lets have another baby Jax..." I said while panting through kisses. He doesn't need to say anything as his eyes do all the talking and it isn't long until he is pounding into me...taking control and showing me who's boss. I love it, I love the feeling of him inside me.

"Fuck yeah" he finally says into my ear. 

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