Chapter 18 - Combat Atop Spear Pillar!

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Troy: Your right Void! And I see Dialga and Palkia fighting again!

March: We should split up into 2 groups, one for Dialga and one for Palkia. Ill go with Dialga!

Troy: Ill join in with you on that!

Switchy and Void: Us too!

Ash: Alright, guess that means the rest of us will take on Palkia!

*March's group went in front of Dialga, whilst Ash's group went in front of Palkia*

(A/N: Dialga's Fight to the Finish! plays in my mind while I'm writing this chapter)

Troy: Hey, Dialga! Try to get me!

*Dialga roars really loudly and uses Roar of Time, which everyone dodges*

Troy: *Uses Pyro Ball, which did a decent bit of damage, but Dialga was still on its feet*

Dialga: *retaliates by using Roar of Time again getting a crit on Troy*

Troy: I aint going down that easily!

March, Void and Switchy: And neither are we!

*They all repeatedly used their most powerful moves on Dialga until a crit Bite from Void K'O it and sent it back to its realm, thousands of miles above Temporal Tower, on the Grass Continent*

Troy: Let's go help the others, who are fighting Palkia!

*The other 3 nod, and they head over to where the others were fighting Palkia*

Ash: Thanks! We sure need the help!

*A crit Pyro Ball from Troy OKO'D Palkia and it went back to Spatial Tower somewhere in Arkan*

Troy: Well, lets get off this mountain- *sees everyone sleeping* Oh, all right... *Goes next to March and hits the hay*

(End of Sinnoh Arc)

To be Continued....

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