Chapter 16- The Darkness Beneath The Crown

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Ethan's POV

Once I returned to the infirmary room where our patient is, I immediately sat beside her and told her everything, leaving nothing out. As I was telling Ashley what I had found in regards to her body and her health, all the remaining colour in her face had drained and her sadness aura had gotten stronger. I held her hand as give it a gentle squeeze as I told her about what I had discussed with her parents as well as the others- how there is a way to fully restore her to her prime. I had explained as best as I could about the procedure as well as answered any questions she had wanted to ask throughout. By the time I finished time on the clock had gone forward by thirty to forty minutes. 

"So Ashley. What do you think?" I asked, "Would you like me to go through the procedure? I promise its painless and do everything I can to restore you. Its your decision after all."

"M-May I have a minute or two to decide?" She asked.

"of course. Take as much time as you can." I take her hand and kissed it. The blonde girl rolls her eyes in amusement and giggles. Her aura changing from blue to a faint yellow.

I turn round as the others enter the infirmary once more. Layla heads over and sits beside her girlfriend while both parents take my spot. I walk over to mom and dad who look at me with a mixture of uncertainty and worry.

"Both Tobias and I had a discussion." Mom started, "And we both agreed that we will remove the seal."

"As much as we both are reluctant to, its as you say." Dad said, "Its the only way to help the young girl. Before we do that however, I must ask again." He and mom looks at me intensely, "Is this what you want? Are you one hundred percent sure that you would want the seal removed?"

"Its the only thing we can do that wont resort to Auradon falling into unnecessary chaos." I replied, "And I am willing to shoulder the hefty responsibilities that come to light."

"Burdens? Wait, hold up." Naruto raised a hand, "What is going on? What do you mean by that mom?"

"You make it sound really concerning." Ben said, "Is there something we all need to know?" I lean against the wall and look around the room as all eyes were on me.

"Before I get into that. Do you all know about the Draconis Genetics, especially when it comes to my mom, dad, and I?"

"All we were told was that you three are beings made up of different species." Danny answers, "But that's all."

"And for good reason." Mom said, "For my husband, myself and my son are made up of various races."

"Each species having their own powers and abilities that they wield." Dad added.

"Allow me to explain." I gesture to myself, "As clarified not long ago I am a human, but also a Mutant." I said, "I'm also a Phoenix, Siren, Dragon, God, Titan, Demon, Angel, Faerie, and Homo-Magi." 

"Amazing..." Naruto awed. His eyes sparkle and looked at me in admiration.

"And due what happened when he was seven, my son has two more species added to his DNA; Valkyrie and Mother Goddess." Dad explained.

"And before anyone asks, my mother and I are not made up of mixed species." Emilia said, "It only retains to my auntie, uncle and Ethan."

"And we will not divulge into that." Cait Sith makes an X formation with his arms, "That is strictly classified territory."

"As well as a messy one." Shinigami said as she checks her polished and well kept nails, "Its better not to get involved in it."

"As such, each species I am wields unimaginable powers and abilities." I take a breath to compose myself, "Picture a kid who is an Omega Rank Empath and someone who has severe emotional problems, mixed with power that had to be contained but has grown with age, and the logic that all power strives from emotion. What would the result be?"

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