Chapter 08- An Auradon Prep Welcome Pt.2

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Ethan's POV

Could things get any worse? Today was supposed to be simple; My son and I was supposed to leave the Isle, be escorted to Auradon Prep, and settle in, but it appears I can't have that. So far today, I was attacked by over fifty of Iracebeth's servants who I had to put to temporary sleep via Telepathy, then someone decides to upset my mother and no doubt my father when they didn't follow instructions, then I have a Psionic Meltdown resulting in the moon to orbit close to Earth, and I seem to have brought down an actual meteor!

I hold onto my son protectively as I look around. We are luckily off the bridge and are on Auradon soil. No casualties have been harmed, thank Lucifer.

"Of all things..." I muttered, "Why a meteor?"

"It was an accident sweetie." Mom assured, "Just a little hiccup from your Telekinetic powers being restored to their absolute."

"Doesn't make things better mom."

"I think its awesome!" Naruto grinned, "I mean come on! You brought an actual meteor from outta space! You even moved an entire planet as well." He gestures to the moon that is hovering overhead in the blue sky, "You are incredible mom!" I blushed by such praise.

"Is everyone alright?!" Akito exclaimed as he dashed towards us.

"We're fine Arata. No one here is harmed." Mom replied.

"I'm more concerned about you and the other guards." I gesture to the Draconis Clan members, "Are they alright? Anyone harmed?"

"Everyone is safe." Arata replied. The other Draconis Clan members head towards us and stand in formation, "You needn't worry your highness."

"We are happy to hear of your concerns about us." A younger Draconis clan member with the name tag 'Daisuke', spoke, "And we are glad to see you, your majesty and the young master are all safe as well."

In the corner of my eye there was a flash of green.

"Hey!" We all turned around to see a familiar figure dash towards us, "Is everyone alright?!"

"Tobias/dad?!" Mom and I exclaimed. What was he doing here?

The Emperor kept on dashing until he stopped towards us. I could sense his worry and see his emotions as clear as day as he emits a bright blue aura.

"Morgana...Ethan..." He breathed as he pulls us into his arms, "I'm so glad to see you two are alright." He sniffled, "When I heard about a meteor heading your way, I feared the absolute worse."

"You are such a softie dear." Mom chuckled, "We're fine love. It would take fifteen armies to take your son and I out."

"Lets not test that theory." Dad lets us go and wipes away the tears from his face. He looks at me and his smile widens, "My son." He placed his hands on my shoulders, "Welcome home. Oh, you have grown." His aura shifts to a soft yellow aura that shines in the soft rays of the sun.

"And I see that you haven't changed much." I mused with a grin, "I'm so glad to see you as well." I step back and gesture to my son next to me, "Dad. This is Naruto, my son."

"So this is the newest member of the Draconis family." Dad said, "I'm Tobias Draconis, but you can call me grandpa. Its a pleasure to finally meet you boy. I heard so much about you."

"And I heard so much about you from mom." Naruto bowed, "Many great things about you and your wife."

"Naruto, no need for formalities. Just call me grandma." Mom said, "We're family after all."

"I-Is that wise? You are the Emperor and Empress after all and have an image to maintain." Naruto mused and looks at me, "Isn't that what royals are concerned about?"

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