Chapter 13- Unleashing Malicious Truths Pt.2

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(AU- I do apologise if some of these chapters seem boring or long. Its just that I wanted to focus sorely on the main OC for this parody and write mostly in his perspective. I also would like to apologise in advance for the poor grammar and punctuation.)

"Before we get to the serious matters, I'd like to address Chad's performance in school in regards to his education." I said, "There is evidence to support the bases that he has been cheating to get high marks on his assignments, blackmail various other students into doing his homework's and assignments for him, charmed various females into doing his work for him by promising the recipients a date with him, bribed various teachers in order to get high marks in his classes and various other malicious deeds such as using his families name to abuse the educational system."

Fairy Godmother looks on in horror at such accusations. She tried to speak but no word nor sound comes out. I could tell she was in turmoil over how things are, but yet she is holding herself from acting out. It doesn't take me reading her mind to know what she must be thinking; These are such serious claims someone is making against a student, and yet there is evidence of malicious acts. Just what is going on? How can I deal with this?

Before I could even press more on the matter, other people decided to input there's.

"Finally. I never thought someone would actually speak out about Chad's homework issue." Emilia said, "And have evidence to back it up."

"Wait." The headmistress turned her head, "H-He's actually done all that...?" Emilia nods and so does Ashley.

"I-I once caught Chad flirting with a girl in order to get her to do his homework." She spoke. Her soft and weak, but yet we all heard it clearly as day, "He promised the girl a date and promised to donate to a charity she was volunteering for. I remember after she performed her end of the bargain, Chad ghosted her and broke her heart."

"In fact, Fairy Godmother. I do have proof on the matter in regards to Ethan's claim." Layla said, "Emilia and I both have piled up numerous findings, documents, and visual proof that Chad has been cheating on his assignments, homework's, his perverted acts, coercing others into doing his bidding, and recorded his promises to girls that dates back to when we all started Auradon Prep together a year ago."

"A-A-A year?!" Fairy Godmother exclaimed, "H-How come you didn't tell me?!"

"We did." Ashley said as she gave her godmother a glare that could rival an avengers, "You would always brush it off and tell us to stop coming to you to address the issue." The woman had the decency to look down in shame. From the aura she was radiating, what the girl said spoke true.

"I have Ashley's memories also stored in my mind if you need visual proof." I said, "Though if you'd like. I would suggest looking at assignments from classes Chad goes to and compare them along with getting Chad himself to write a sentence in his own writing. Once you get that and some of the assignments from classes, and compare them all, I would get the answer."

"And I myself have caught Chad bully others into doing his homework." Ben said, "I was too much of a friend at the time to say anything plus the victims would always beg me in not to tell anyone as they would be threatened with violence upon them, or their families." He looks down a little, "I deeply apologise for not saying anything myself and I will accept the punishment for it."

Fairy Godmother looks on with disappointment as she documents the findings.

"We'll discuss that at a later date young man." She said, "So that deals with his works in class and bullying. No doubt I would need to have a staff meeting to get their inputs on the matter."

"I'm honestly surprised you didn't know about any of this." Naruto said, "No offense, but when Ben, his siblings, and Emilia all escorted mom, myself, Cait, and Shinigami, I've seen some surveillance camera's being operated in various places around the building. No doubt there are camera's throughout the school."

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